Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How To Teach Dog To Submit CHAP16 y REVIEWS DEL 15 SDT

"Although it is not me"
, "although not with me is one of my favorite songs FICT despite having the average rate rancherón. I think it must be the way you may wish happiness to someone and that capacity for a waiver of that can come when you love too. It's not news, because we know that Harry is crazy about Hermione (and it was time, no?). I love the letter when he says "but now you have only half of the great love I have for you yet ..." oh! Ke me! Claro ke nis, Luna understands but can not be the cautery of all and also Neville already has departed. It will be difficult, and may not end up like many ke kieren, but I'll try.
My apologies to all those who put saddened by the events of this chap. But hey, life is beautiful! Reread the tender chaps! Uj! Bad joke ... sorry, if indeed ke ...
Tati Jane Potter: Do not be bad ... and i want to kill Ron? It's a good guy, just happens ke has not made the best decision you ever made bad decisions by yourself? I think that if, as everyone ... not odor practicality ... ke can then find the love of your life and be "too late." Yes, they were asking for it ... for desperate ... not wait for the dreams ... kedar themselves for fear ...
Ruby P. Black
: Try the characters are not 100% predictable. That is, there ke things can and can not wait for a character and pretend to go by these guidelines. But every once in a while is good to give fresh twists to the stories. Good that you liked it!
hehehehe, tell kisiera ke no ... but he is right. Cost me a good understanding of the review n_n *. While I understand the unhappiness that you happy Hermione and ke ke think he deserves itwhile Ron deserves everything good and Harry should be aside. Ultimately you are not very different from most of the HHR ke kiere your partner no matter the consequences. And I, meanwhile, remind me to dedicate time to time ke FICT called "no harm to others" and both were sweating ke seas before being together under that condition. Hehehehe. And of course, what to leave to love when you can not save ... I ke ke is the best you can do. Thanks for the review!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Right Tonsil Is Bigger Than The Left One

Dear readers,
in previous comments, asked me about my job situation here in NZ. Somehow the secret leaked. And if I have to admit I have hit. Working in a company that buys and sells laboratory instruments. The name of the company? Global Science. My job? Verify that the pallets that come with all the goods and then leave them on the shelves accordingly. Working from 8.00 to 5.00 pm. The place is 15 min

Saturday, June 16, 2007

How Do You Build Rabbit Hutches For A Colonie

This is my neighborhood. Posting a photo, courtesy SOF, to those who did not believe me I live near the beach, but on top of a cliff. It may sound monstrous, but in reality is not as high. Maybe I should call it mini cliff. Anyway, is steep enough to remove air from the lungs and for sports.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In the picture you can see only a third of the beach, of course it is not so wide. Must be 1 kilometer long and 15 feet of sand. Small compared with some of those we have in Chile, but alive to 3 mins to the envy of you - aha! (Read as Nelson Muntz of the Simpsons). Pictured

the link, the red line marks the path hUnique acia and the center of Browns Bay. In the section between the houses are the 74 steps I have to go up and down every time I go there. There are various shops, some restaurants, some wretched pubs and a supermarket, all expensive, since I live in a residential area carozi. Browns Bay north of there are other bays and beaches respective Torbay and Long Bay. Well these are what I can see on the map they gave me at Unique. Pictured

the link, the blue line shows the way to the bays that are to the south, Rothesay Bay, Murrays Bay, Mairangi Bay, Campbells Bay, Castor Bay, among others. It is a pedestrian crossing, as soon instaurare ciclivia. This step represents the first part of my sports and recreational travel. Low to Murrays Bay and then you climbta my house, there on the steps to the beach, I reach the end and back up again. Of course I do all this in my dreams, as they will not ever done. The excuse? I did not bring the right shoes. But soon he'll buy a pair.

So you know, post giving encouragement, and so far laziness is winning them a PC. and do not let me up from my bed.

Ojo, 35 Beechwood Road is my address, for those who want to send me a letter. I should have posted before my birthday, but as said Alvarado, never too late.

Photo with demarcation of the routes here .

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Andromeda See Individual Stars

TRACK2: Hermione let out their feelings and talk about their suffering. Harry appears on the scene helping Ron with fatherhood and he asked to be his godfather. Harry confesses to be divorced and talk to Hermione, but she asks him to find someone else.

Track3: Harry realizes he is getting too involved in the relationship, Ron and Hermione decides to step aside looking for a mission to drive away. At the end of Chapter Ron decides to go with him and realizes that Hermione watered to mess with she being the wife of his best friend.

track4: NeviLLE advancing in his relationship with Julianne with the help of Luna. Unfortunately moon begins to make false hopes and only ends once again. Ginny continues to refuse to be taken seriously while Draco Hermione struggle to confess to his mother who is not saddened by the departure of Ron, but Harry (Do they appear other Weasley?).

If you notice, it belongs the second season and there were many things in my outline ke ke never actually appeared in history (yep, theescritutra process is very difficult ....) I use it basically to choose a song and know which way the shots every time I sit ke computer. Ke note how much change the prequel to the real story (Hermione's parents have not gone out and the Weasleys do not appear until later). Those are decisions I make when writing because the chapters are out of position to include as many things as well are often not so well with the song. Claro ke tb ke there are times when new things arise and unforeseen time ke say yes! That kedaría better! "And then the story takes unexpected turns up for my jijijiji.

CHTML"Belly Crib"

BY: TlalGalaxia

and then save the page on my computer with the title "CHAPTER TWENTY SDT" in the appropriate folder SDT INSIDE A FOLDER IN MY DOCUMENTS FICTS JOJOJOJOJO! And there keda and the left ... and then it's where you come in action. For starters, they should know ke am a lazy person by nature ... I always put off to make cosas, it should not be but it is and no way ... and unless someone comes to pull me ke ears is ke react and I get to them. Of course, there are ways to ways to pull my ears (ie, one not a slave). Arguably makinita ke'm like a coin, one coin-ke not work, but reviews (jojojojo!). For example, I am uploading new chap (usually at night aunke is not correct) and leave it. Then, when I have time, check the inbox of my email ke tells me how many reviews has the chap (a gmail ke cool is that?).

Alert 1: chap 24 received 8 reviews while you were sleeping(Tlale: Oh! * _ * We will read !!!). ALL MESSAGES Leo reacting to each. Example-Tlale: look at this girl! Ke ke list! Ke has been wise to all the threads of the story! Let's make a turn ... naca naca ... (I confess, I've done a couple of times ¬ ¬). Tlale Aunke sometimes "Jojojojo! Little round has fallen into my trap! And ke is believed such a thing will happen but not so! Muahahahahaha "(well, maybe not the evil laugh ...). Still, this is fun for me. I say "8 reviews are great, some are funny, others quite illustrative and useful (in addition to motivating) but still need people ke read this chap (as FFNET porke me know the average reader as well as reviews by chap), I have yet time to write ... I continue tomorrow ... "(myke you sometimes say and most of the mentioned ke any prescribed me ...) and begins writing a new chap more thoroughly. Weno But, like any mortal, for tb work and I have other obligations ... so then I get a counter-clockwise (trying to insert a time for everything in this life). FICT I may end soon ... other times ...

Alert 4: Chap 24 is 34 reviews "Tlale reaction:" I must finish the chap now ! But first let me read! *_*". I finish reading the reviews and I'm like possessed in the computer with the firm decision to end it. Ke ke causes many kinds of puHTMLXC  




Monday, June 11, 2007

Knit Billed Hat Pattern

ke ke Draco gave for his birthday and as matched, Harry thought to use it hehehehe. And TB is the scene where they are working and help and know they can spend some quality time together and be happy trivial in that how Hermione would not suffer with that?
And finally, just for trivia. Harry brings a teddy Genma (yes, Ranma 1 / 2 jejejejejeje). Well, that conversation where Hermione hac EUSO of willpower to let Harry know ke ke no way she would change her mind. Harry question "suffer?" Because porke kills him so coldly and so "indifference" of his party while keon it breaks my heart because they can not have it. And then Hermione can not lie, porke ke n9i she could never have been lied to him (as much as Harry and Hermione can not do and when it does feel fatal). And for that, ke ke clear Kedara Hermione "never forget" to Harry. We
chap with reviews of 14 ....
Ruby P. Black
: I know ... I still update the wait ... ke I still have not found that feeling for the RT (Before I felt when my sister talked me yet ...) aj ke ever finish, but for now I do not ke ... New caps, I can say the ke ke I do not leave much time to spend at least keSDT is concerned. Porke Mainly I love history and I have yet porke things to say. Thank you, sun, read and comment.
: Ron and Luna? Sounds interesting, but for now this lokita Moon by Neville and Ron walks in his personal hell. It would be difficult at the moment ... Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the suggestions, it is good reading. But the course of history and what I have planned n_n * jejejejeje. It's funny logic "4 minus 3 and we keda 1 ...). Ke clear by now they are on the other KE (poor Neville). Thanks for the review!
Verit0 G kl:
know! I know! & Amp; gt; _ \u0026lt;I'm wicked and I'm going to hell ... XDDDD. But ke I tell a story, right? Vamos! Ke tb you like to suffer a bit of the same. Jejejejeje. Some day I will write my book (I'm always hoping that someday ke be soon), I think now ke ke HP without fever, have long to finally write one of the novels ke have years in the ink ... thanks!
Deli (Tlale dizzy @ _ @) Thank you for the songs, now added to my list of possibilities and put them in the release to listen. If I serve, I will put clear ke (ke looks terrible for suggesting I do XD). I think you're not alone ke ke ke said the baby is Harry and child apart is ke ... Q.i, and ke are many things you do not have to like. But then you'll see ke Ron is not really so stupid ... just loves too much, I think ...
was right. Much, much more complicated n_n *
You know ke ke the first time I read your comment I said "no way! Or, in kè are thinking? I think I'll write ke alog well? "And then ... opened and the ocean under a sky light XDDD. What i want to say is ke and therefore I do not dislike the idea, aunke I have nothing specific and can not get to write ke. But kien knows? Anyway ... at least in "When Harry Met Hermione" I have a reference to HD jijijiji. Thanks for ep; amp; chapter = 15 /

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Telecharger Nero Startsmart

associated actions.
ke tb
Another thing I like to write, was the reaction of Harry and how he saw Ginny. In addition to the arguments "we just like." Ke I think that's true. As far as we in HBP, Harry and Ginny only attract, but their relationship is not as deep as that of Harry and Hermione (no sir!).
And now proceed to the reviews of the chap 13. Ke were too many and it is time ke the answer (remember ke answer only creates doubts and cometary ke ke be clear but that does not mean ke kiere not appreciate the other comments or ke not read).
mp; nbsp;
: The record low of Ares or downloader cualkier XDDD. It's a beautiful song, with keda aunke no events planned: s. Thank you very much for the review and sorry if I have not yet gone through your FICTS. I barely have time to write ke And you know I have bad luck when I read and something happens FICT ke keria I write? Then I bad conscience porke no kiero me feel like a plagiarist and endedLXC
: Ron always suspected something, but always turned his eyes pretending ke ke was not true and he was going mad with jealousy XDD. Thanks for the review!
Artemis: Thanks for the comment! Well yes, there are others ... there are others tb ke eventually suffer and are only prolonging the inevitable (as if at last I can say.) Things are not as simple, but if they were then to write the FICT kè? Hehehehe.
NidPotter: I expected Hermione ke ke baby out of Ron, not Harry. And in almost ke ke was very obvious was Harry, then tell the truth and awayRon rse. And no, at any time that idea or plan to return with Harry collevaba ke ke know they would have done much damage ... debri now ask ké will happen if the baby is Ron! XDDD
Ruby P. Black: Pueees. I'm a fan of sad endings. Ke aunke other hate sad endings. Everything will depend on how the plot develops. Hehehehe, I hope you continue gustandoy ke thanks for the review.
Verit0 G Kl: You've seen it looks exactly like Harry. That's why I claimed on chap 15 XDDD. Thanks for the comment! n_n.
Mariale-26: Well if people are stupid. I can see in the future of HR top;
Yooo? Suggested third party? When I do not remember n_n ke * hehehehe. Thanks for the review.
Eydren Snape1
: Ke your wishes come true ... XDDD aunke not promise anything. I love the new season of Grey's! * _ * I like it because I LOVE Desperate to Orson (aunke no ¬ ¬ hence its name). Thanks for commenting!
I was curious comment, since you talk about doing the right thing looking for a reward. I believe, and believe me I mean ke, ke ke the best reward you can get doing the right thing is the personal satisfaction of having done. Is not correct in seeking the reward material. I agree to pursue happiness, but it does not run over half the world in search of her. Or at least that's what I think ke. Jejejejeje, weno, well ... Enough lecturing you. Thanks for the comment!
Saori-Luna: Thank you for get to read me so devotedly. Jejejejeje. Yes, the songs they kill me first. Ke But once I started it was easier. Ke Sure I still have a few songs, but now I have many suggestions ke sometimes use. Jejejejeje. Thanks for the review! TB
kiero thank (and that no kiere ke say thank you the less) to: juan pablo, Greek, hermionedepottergranger, Melinda kudo Ozora, HHR Konii, karina, lacus_vivi, patitapotter, Azuka16, Maru, deli (HHR), and zephyrpotter belglez. Thank you, thank you very much for your comments!
In the meantime I thought I ke ke no ¬ ¬

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Intruder Only One Cylinder

This closes the period of greetings birthdays. Thanks to everyone who greeted me.
A special greeting to those who posted something in the corresponding entry - Sonita, Mark, Michael, Alvaro and Dieguits.
A special greeting to those who sent me a mail - Michael, Sonita, Diana, Jesus and Caro.
A greeting to which he sent me emails to hotmail and gmail - Caro.
A warm greeting and extra-especially those who also sending the birthday mail to each control a box informing that it had sent - Caro.

The reel comes when I return units. sponsor, though. I have one of these souvenirs, do not believe, but do not lose hope. Anecdote

birthday. The next day, call my house to say hello to my bro. I found out that one ofMigo was a paratrooper and echo a chair. Incredible. It may be more barsa? In any event, recognized him and post something about it. Alvaro Solo

greeting to my brother ...

who knew and said nothing was rated rogue.

Greetings to my fellow graduate education that yesterday. And I could not be (BUAA). Of course it's better here, near the little beach and sun. Soon photos of that.
My sister was lucky to receive my diploma.
"Please Max Diaz, close blabla" and gets up a mine. I guess it looks like a transvestite.

my birthday photos here and here.
picture of my mom at my graduation here.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Western Theme Invitation Wording

ú, I do not like your girlfriend

No way! no way!
I think you need a new
Hey hey you you, I could be your girlfriend.

Hey! hey! tu! tu! I know you liked
course not! Of course not!
not a secret Hey hey! you! you! I want to be your girlfriend

're very good (I say "you're very good" XDDD)
you mine I want you to eat

I think about you all the time

are very addictive Do not you know what I can do to make feel good?

not pretend, I know you think I'm damn precious
And yes! (I say "to huevooooo!" XDDD)

'm a fucking princess I can see that you like me too and you know you have