Yes, I ended my Cletus. Last Sunday I was involved in an accident. Lujito just after I returned home, I took my parts of the motorcycle, went out and did. Something happened, but they still do not know exactly why. I just remember from when I was in the ambulance. There was a paramedic, who looked at my sister's boyfriend, but chubby asking me questions in English. I do not understand anything. Apparently took several minutes for the ambulance, and he called me by my name. I was about to say he looked like Christian, but at one point started to take off my shoes and said "Not old, what are you doing?" My shoes were terrible and I was embarrassed. Obviously, it was not to worry about nonsense moento. It helped me take my polerón, the typical white I have, only it was covered in blood and had elbow grease stains on the chest. At that time I felt it. The chest pain drove me to the gurney. Suddenly a policeman came and told me he had had an accident. I leaned on his elbows to look out the window and there I saw my parts of the motorcycle, lying on the grass beside the street. The police made me more questions, it seems the same, what's your name, where you live and more, until I said "What happened?" Replied that he remembered nothing. Then I explained that he had lost consciousness for several minutes.
The ambulance left and paramedic told me we were going to the hospital. After a while he asked me where we were going, I replied that the hospital dand North Shore. He told me I was wondering to know if he remembered, if retained information. Then I urged him. I realized that something serious had happened. Until that time was all confusing, accident, the shock of waking up in an ambulance, police up there with my head asking me questions, the boyfriend of my sister (¿???); speaking English but after that question I realized that I could have died, but he was alive, I could be given invalid, but it was and I could have missed something (an arm, an eye), but everything was there and, apparently, running perfect.
On arrival, they made me change my table, took my shirt, I put a hospital gown - that which lets the air poto, of course I still had jobs l