Monday, August 27, 2007

Suitcase-piercing Foto My Cleta ...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yes, I ended my Cletus. Last Sunday I was involved in an accident. Lujito just after I returned home, I took my parts of the motorcycle, went out and did. Something happened, but they still do not know exactly why. I just remember from when I was in the ambulance. There was a paramedic, who looked at my sister's boyfriend, but chubby asking me questions in English. I do not understand anything. Apparently took several minutes for the ambulance, and he called me by my name. I was about to say he looked like Christian, but at one point started to take off my shoes and said "Not old, what are you doing?" My shoes were terrible and I was embarrassed. Obviously, it was not to worry about nonsense moento. It helped me take my polerón, the typical white I have, only it was covered in blood and had elbow grease stains on the chest. At that time I felt it. The chest pain drove me to the gurney. Suddenly a policeman came and told me he had had an accident. I leaned on his elbows to look out the window and there I saw my parts of the motorcycle, lying on the grass beside the street. The police made me more questions, it seems the same, what's your name, where you live and more, until I said "What happened?" Replied that he remembered nothing. Then I explained that he had lost consciousness for several minutes.

The ambulance left and paramedic told me we were going to the hospital. After a while he asked me where we were going, I replied that the hospital dand North Shore. He told me I was wondering to know if he remembered, if retained information. Then I urged him. I realized that something serious had happened. Until that time was all confusing, accident, the shock of waking up in an ambulance, police up there with my head asking me questions, the boyfriend of my sister (¿???); speaking English but after that question I realized that I could have died, but he was alive, I could be given invalid, but it was and I could have missed something (an arm, an eye), but everything was there and, apparently, running perfect.

On arrival, they made me change my table, took my shirt, I put a hospital gown - that which lets the air poto, of course I still had jobs l

Monday, August 20, 2007

Creative Extigy Driver Cd

Well, maybe not such a luxury Brigido, but that depends more than anything in the assessment of each.

I tell when I saw the ad said "yeah, But what if?". I thought for a week and buy the ticket online. The first time I buy online, I practically assured a place and not have to go to a place to stand in line or anything that might happen. Prices ranged from about $ 170 and $ 50 dollars and my student card and I remembered. I recognize that just after accepting the payment I regretted, but it was done and I think he can ask for money back or resell. I had no more to go and enjoy.

- Good & Where did you go?
* Auckland.
- and now? * The theater
tate and mine looked at me "quiet, it's just work." My buddies
I can say that Cordelia was ok.

I think there is many Chileans who have seen him perform live, too Kassar (my teacher of William in the U.S.) would be proud of me. Worth more than the penalty and I think that after all I went cheap. I do not have many opportunities to give me a luxury like this, but I'm very happy and satisfied. Of course I forgot the camera at home, no photos or videos, bujuju.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Price List For Jc Penney Salon If you ...

The Brigido lujito .

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Asus Drw-20b1lt Treiber

all the time. Unbelievable. I tried like 10 times, until he caught me. I obviously, I made a moron. I kept looking face "What weâ estai doing?", So I smiled and she laughed. Just upload the best photos.

Someday I'll come back and go, there will be pictures and office to TVMAX.
was going to upload another video, but I was embarrassed, lol.

This weekend I have a
Brigido me lujito
. Photo

Sky Tower from below

here. Photo
Sky Tower from here
bus. Photo of Victoria St

here. picture of mine that eluded me all the time
here. Video fome of some activity. CHTM

Friday, August 10, 2007

Beautifulagony Account Complaint

In recent weeks, several readers have told me that I post little, which is fome what I write and is focused to a particular audience and not another. I think they are right, so I will do anything to please my readers.

However, I have one complaint: the lack of posting on the part of you. I estimate that about fifteen people read, at least occasionally, what I write. Of these, eight to ten should be posting something. What is that thing? A brief comment, for example, "how good Max," "how sad", "moron fome", "we can be," "I miss you," "Champion," "Come soon," "Why envy or "old man, there like you." These are not suggestions, but merely a demonstration of the type of permissible responses, in otherpalbras, either.
A reader told me he checked my journal every day to read something new and found nothing. I check every day to read a greeting or news that I have left and find nothing.

In any case, this quja is not for everyone, as I have posters faithful, always present, they give me one reason to keep telling them about my expericencias here in New Zealand. The idea for the journal was that they knew of my constantly and not just when you send an e-mail twice a year and know I am telling them as they are.

Everyone knows I'm sealers, but this post has a warm tone, a tone that invited him to write. That
