Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cruise Spots For Men Maryland
the second day the weather was maomeno, so we had to go to another place with better weather. The place chosen was Taupo, I do not know if it is a region or just one area, but in Taupo is a lake and is the largest in NZ. Not only that, it is also a crater. When I saw the map of NZ, is notbaa was a big lake, but still there I realizedand, people go and do your thing, but there must be something else. I would not risk it, my butt is still a virgin and I want it that way forever. I do not know, was like the mystery of the Super Loo. In any case, what is the way, do attract tourists? Onda "Welcome, today we have off, because a guy who was sick of batting left horn." Take one picture or buy a souvenir, still warm.
We went to the cinema to see "Rush Hour 3." Maomeno, full size you smile, but do not give more. Jeremy was screwed up with laughter and laughed her infectious laugh all the time. Then we went to lunch. I ate a BLT = beacon, lettuce and tomato. It was huge. In fact, when I served it all looked at me with a face of old, do not you eat or two days.
golfing here.
TVMAX from Taupo
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Good Names For Financial Services Companies
Hello to all my readers FFNET. I decided to leave this mensajillo after long absence. Ke you will excuse it is not precisely what i expected (the end of SDT), but I'll talk a bit about that later. Lately I've read all the messages had been leaving me ke. I know ke ke categorically not ignore them. And lately I have the burden of conscience porke I have not finished the chap and I were the last lot. But weno, ke I first answer the question most popular (and consequently answer to number 2).
Well, I guess the first 2 months and were explained due to my European trip through ancient lands. I mean, I think there keda ke up my first justification. However, the second part of time is not as happy as the first. And the second is nothing more and nothing less ke a stone. A huge rock with a face and body of a man with ke I stumbled in the most silly with ke may fall. These last few days (weeks now) I have cohabited this planet with a broken heart. Crying every 2 ke 3 minutes so beautiful and absurd that ke is ke love and everything that triggered it. I could not write, draw or anything ke ke represents everything was. And that
Monday, October 15, 2007
Where To Catch Leafeon In Pokemon Indigo Last Friday in Global
left Gordon (old culia'o conchasumadre; hopefully will die down and go to hell). 4.00
all started pulling back. 4.15
we prepare for the chelas.
4.25 to wash their hands. 4.30
All in all, I have to clarify that the company gets the chela Friday, including two types of chelas, four types of beverages, twenty types of wine, chips, peanuts and candy. Not only pay all of that, we also pay this half-hour - obviously lengthen the half-hour to an hour and since I arrived I did not chelas are just two, but three. During
chelas, Jeremy told me I had a ball in the car and jugplow after. After a while, a guy stood fome talking about books and about his experience in theater, the kind Funo the reel and we went to play the parking lot. Typically, kicking the ball from side to side trying not to hit the car of one of the heads and re-importandos little if we gave the kind of books. Soon appeared Priscilla and Sarah. Priscilla is an India that any guy would turn to look at it when it happens and Sarah is a super nice mine. The latter sounded terrible, but it is actually re-nice and not ugly at all, ells is cool. Filo, the expression (espero. ..). Jeremy
given a pass and go back. Another pass and had already held a mini changa. Two against two. Obviously, Jeremy I had looked at all eggthis time, looking at how skinny I am and in my face no le hit-to-any-sport. I showed that I am not so bad. Suddenly, dark and I ended up in a bar purring with Jose Cuervo (Michael you rajaste in Viña). Jeremy
is this coolest guy. In His own words, "women like to be with him; men'd like to Be Like Him, and has a massive personality." The guy is 21 and is cool. He laughs at me and laugh at him. If it rains bring me home in a car with bike and all. Always looking for a joke to me. For example, the other day I went to get something to my locker and everything was closed with tape, the other day he broke a test tube and I got a message saying 'Jeremy broke this', he changed it to Max and left in the letter
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Low Calorie Banana Cake
elos chela Friday, someone threw me the comment that we were not going to play indoor soccer, but netball. I looked at the mine that was going to register and said, 'Old woman, I'll kill you. Now, explain to me 'turns out for the soccer tournament was to play poThankfully, because I'm cache if it was wave on 20 December (when my contract ends) I would not have invited. Still not invite me, but I already assumed in the list.
At this point I'm making time for the match between the All Blacks and France. I chunk the Kiwis are going to do bits and pa Frogs' home, the glass is clear that in France, so I do not know. Filo, the point is that at some point in the All Blacks have to lose, so the price drop T-shirts and bought me one.
By the way, here changed the time and have an extra hour of light in the afternoon. The weather improves and worsens. Four days of summer sun and three rain with thunderstorms and hail. In fact, on Monday I had to leave the bike at the Warehouse and I had to go with the driver who worked in Chile ... culia_ @ #! That
. Sorry for the length fomes ... Of course you will not put effort on this issue. Yes, seal the end ... Les
some photos of some of Auckland Sky Tower at the center (because my sister asked me for catching photos architectural style), another of a park, and a kiwi-sports.
where is Sky Tower Photo
here. Photo bacán park overlooking the sea
here. Photo no idea where this moron jumped