Monday, December 29, 2008
What Does Do You Like Fish Sticks Mean Looking back
- I translated a book from English into Russian;
- I've been to Spain!
- I had two affairs (short, but memorable;))
- I fired my first love and I have left to suffer for it;
- I went to the concert of Goran Brégovich;
- I've left home my parents.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Remote Car Starter - 2009 Colbalt A perfect day
And this day so beautiful I had to go to work. The last day of my illness. I've been to the doctor giving me high, I visited my parents who live near the clinic. I bought a birthday gift for my colleague. And now I'm watching a movie in Argentina, with the cat on my chest:) qe
Winter have begun and should be perfect:)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Where Is Yến Vy Now
penalties and those are not just names,
native Heaven and Earth around a memory;
Where is finally free myself unknowingly,
dissolved in fog, absence, slight as meat
There, far away;
Donde habite el olvido.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Corbett National Park Of unnecessary suffering
As soon, that my chosen not to have time to fall in love with me. So most of my loves are loves unshareable. I am no longer suffer for it. So I try:)
a month ago or something but I saw the movie "Atlas of Human Geography." A character said: "The worst thing you can do is obsess with someone who is not willing to obsess you." Now it helps me be more reasonable. Because yes, I usually obsessed with the man that I like:) There are days when I repeat this sentence ten times and more. I'm slowly learning to control my emotions:)
Sometimes I think that mangoing to share my feelings. Poor thing will have to accept all emotions that I'm saving:)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
How To Hide Your Ip In A Game
I love it because it touches and caresses is what I need, I need both. For me valen much more than the same sex. So I like both the video of the previous post. With the touch tells the whole story, without words, without lips, with only their hands.
need hands caress me (
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How Lauren Does Her Weave Something on my throat ...
Well, on the other hand, I can rest a bit from school. But that means I pay a little less.
The other idea that scares me is that I should return to live with my parents for not paying rent.
Well, I'm going to sleep, to see if I can consilia a dream ...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ice Skating In Poconos chica_yulia @ 2008-10-18T20: 29:00
Friday, October 17, 2008
How Many Think Electric Cars Sold
Well, you can remember once or twice when I did, but since I do not remember a single line, I do not think they were good. Nor
English poetry translated into my language, because I always seemed too complicated.
But lately I've read so many beautiful verses, I began to feel a strong desire to translate to English to share with my friends. I imagine it will be very difficult, I realize that my English is not perfect and need your help.
But each gave my desire grows stronger.
One day the time will come,I'm sure.
Then I must confess that country I am;)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Record Satellite To Vhs
appeared in our house in April 2004, two months after my dog had died. I could not bear the absence of anumal at home. I even bought a stuffed dog:)
Now is a very nice cat had kittens twice and is very affectionate. At the beginning I leave with my mother. But there are worse things every day: (Do not want to live in a constant stress.
Well, it seems he liked my couch:) All you have to get used to is my dog neighbor who often make too much noise:)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
How Little Vicodin Show Up Drug Test Started
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tela Cheia No Pcdj Red ETA SDT BACK!
Hello to all my readers in general and especially those of SDT as they are kienes ke spend more here and I thank you infinitely ke like everyone else. That letter did long ago. Months, in fact, long before my writing ke see ke were cut short by events beyond my hands to solve. I take this brief opportunity to thank in advance all the support during my healing. I made many mistakes trying to do, but ke I am currently in one of my best times in regards to resume old ke projects.
CHTI leave you with this MLXC ke had decided some time ago and for which I intended to follow. I hope your opinion and feedback. Tell aunke ke ke I'm excited to see at 1 hour after the end of the SDT published and had his good 20 pins and a couple of reviews I removed the heart ke.
My best wishes to you and all my love.
CHTMFINAL LXC ellipsis ...
said the other day with one of my contacts about my favorite stories pertaining to books and classic movies. Two of which I can mention at this point are my favorite movies "Casablanca" and "Gone With the Wind." Both famous and adored by the people, but also kept in the hearts because they are trend stories bitter end. While in Casablanca hero consigue the girl in spite of that happy time they had finished the movie with the lady taking a plane and saying "we'll always have Paris." Beautiful indeed how momentary happiness can be considered as best you can have and live the memory of that sound familiar?
As regards " what the Wind "is a movie that I never tired of seeing despite last 4 hours and peak. I love I love Scarlett and Rhett (drool). If they are not fans of the filmO'Hara! We all know despite not seeing the movie. Despite not throw us another 2 hours on it (although I would not have complained XDD).
Y weno, I guess that's all ke ke ke I have to say so far ... ah, ESOP and ke ... 95 COMMENTS in the last chap! * _ * WOAH! LOS ADORO! Hehehehe