Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where Is Yến Vy Now

front. Where

penalties and those are not just names,
native Heaven and Earth around a memory;
Where is finally free myself unknowingly,
dissolved in fog, absence, slight as meat

Absence of Child , o.

There, far away;
Donde habite el olvido.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Corbett National Park Of unnecessary suffering

I fall very soon.
As soon, that my chosen not to have time to fall in love with me. So most of my loves are loves unshareable. I am no longer suffer for it. So I try:)
a month ago or something but I saw the movie "Atlas of Human Geography." A character said: "The worst thing you can do is obsess with someone who is not willing to obsess you." Now it helps me be more reasonable. Because yes, I usually obsessed with the man that I like:) There are days when I repeat this sentence ten times and more. I'm slowly learning to control my emotions:)

Sometimes I think that mangoing to share my feelings. Poor thing will have to accept all emotions that I'm saving:)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

How To Hide Your Ip In A Game

amp; iacute; intimate, in my opinion. Is that kissing and sex are pure physiology. What better help express feelings are the eyes and caresses. The moment of first touch between the two is one of the most important film in India. And one of the most exciting. I love to follow the development of relationship with a partner: as cross eyes, as he dares to touch her hand, as they seek an opportunity to be alone, and instead of kissing her hand Porla making or - the culmination of shameless:) - they hug, and he brings his lips to her neck, but does not kiss.

I love it because it touches and caresses is what I need, I need both. For me valen much more than the same sex. So I like both the video of the previous post. With the touch tells the whole story, without words, without lips, with only their hands.

need hands caress me (

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Lauren Does Her Weave Something on my throat ...

IEN. And the truth that scares me, what will I do if I can not speak?
Well, on the other hand, I can rest a bit from school. But that means I pay a little less.
The other idea that scares me is that I should return to live with my parents for not paying rent.

Well, I'm going to sleep, to see if I can consilia a dream ...