or they were selling it, dah. We reject what he was selling and the child asks for a papafrita and as there was no longer gave a pie (MI PIE! And it was the last Y MIA snif snif TT-TT), but this Niñ or what it does .... O_o Tilt your head gasping "dame aaahh" so put the pie in his mouth, I did all that with a decentralized face "oo" xDDDDDD
Thursday 1 and Friday, October 2:
On Thursday afternoon began with the animation extracurricular project (nothing to do with the U. .. Although it was within the U.S. and the food was provided by the U. .. It has nothing to do with U LOL xD.) We stayed there until the next day (it seems that solving one of our colleagues that we all stay on the night was so strong that to achieve that I will stay .... or was a Machiavellian plan to close the U at 11:30 ¬ ¬) was fun, I already saw explode at any moment copyto not receive their hours of sleep, but I survived (or rather, Surviving LOL XD ) although it seems that what was going to explode at any moment were the flash steals souls (kills neurons), but everything turned out fine * * excepting settle down for our beloved companions who drunk (one specifically) ... I think I'm drunk at some point in justcall ... Or as I say I "Mucus in the brain" xD) until she returns on Tuesday (October 5) at 21:00 after the gym, at about 22:00 and therefore start feeling bad ..... Yep, I became sick (WTF ?????) copyto Blame! Oo ... xD Anyway, on Friday October 9 to 3D was not because I did not spend hours and hours sitting while I fell snot ¬ ¬ and on top was in the evening lecture are other hours sitting in front of the monitor arrggghh that if it had been a nuisance, so missing in the morning to go in the afternoon, but copyto had called me telling me that there wouldclasses in the afternoon so ... I lay in bed xD
ACHU! or great ... I have no comfort near ¬ ¬ * lazily moving the notebook from the legs to go for comfort * READY!
Okay, and now I'm on the couch with my notebook in front homework list oo .............. God !!!!!! This semester has a friendly muuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyy WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH floojoooooooooooooooooooo my father's take just spry XoX (luc and something that kills 99.99 percent of bacteria cof cof) waaaaahh kill me with a good smell cof cof ¬ or ¬
Where going? ... siiiiii aahh ... I DO NOT WANT TRABAJAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR .. But I !!!!! But I have no strength in my fingers p