Monday, January 11, 2010

Who Is The Brunette In The Evans Williams Ad 5 Days xD

mo things happened with Agent P (orintorinco), instead of "get, get caught, explain and end Dr.Doog plan" this time made backwards "to reach, explain, and stop being caputardo Dr.Doog plan "xD but did not reach the third part because he saw that Agent P's plan would directly affect Dr.Doog Phineas and Ferb (awww the like) was bieeeeeeeeeeen chistosoooooo, because when Agent P call for reinforcements realize that ... NO !!!!! LOL Another favorite chapter is when Dr.Doog is no longer a dangerous enemy and re-assigned to Agent P and this will have to leave home SNIIIIIIIF, but finally returns!

xD And when Candace (the older sister of Phineas and Ferb) is viste of Orintorinco O___o ....... See him to better understand xD xDDDD

And now I got half a fan of "Devi Lovato (Camp Rock) and Selena Gomez (from the series" The Wizards of W. I do not like .."), much the series "The Wizards of W. .." but the actress and singer Selena Gomez has a nice voice that I like in his video "Naturally." Devi Lovato and the first time I saw her I thought "He has a big mouth bieeeeen" xD

What I like about these girls is their friendship x3 met when they were 7 years old and still stay in touch (This information will show at Disney for the film "Protection &"Phineas and Ferb" xD