Saturday, February 27, 2010

Remington 870 Modular Combat Shotgun For Sale Hai! It's the Latinos' turn now:>

[info] candesceres  gave me a meme

Fandom: Hetalia
01. The first character I fell in love with: Furrybrows
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: STUPID SEXY SPAIN
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Probably Russia... and I'm pretty meh about Alfred as well now
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Liechtenstein? D:
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: This one is hard... characters have being going up and down my list but maybe Canada?
06. The character I Would shag anytime: ...... ........... Port. Ok, You Do not Exist ... SPAIN BUT IF I SAY I FEEL LIKE I'M MY OWN RACE Betraying .* SO HARD
BAWS * 07. The character I'd want to Be Like: Iggy!
08. The character I'd slap: The USA. Many, many times.
09. A pairing That I love: Iberia. They're my # 1 OTP
atm 10. A pairing That I Hate: Russia / Lithuania, Russia / Latvia. They're really horrible SM pairings.
11. Favorite character: Port * sigh * Oyabun.
12. My five favorite characters: England, Japan, Feliciano, Romano, Ludwig: 3
ing on.
I'm fixing it. Ok, FINALLY read the whole thing!!

Fandom: DGM
01. The first character I fell in love with:

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Hm... maybe Bak?
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Allen... and Kanda <.<
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Do people hate Tyki? D:
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Lenalee
06. The character I would shag anytime: Tyki. Hands down.
07. The charg That I love: 10069
10. A pairing That I Hate:
6927 Reborn / Lambo
11. Favorite character: Marshmallow Man, aka, Byakuran.
12. My five favorite characters: Tsuna, Shoichi, Mukuro, Gamma, Spanner
13. My five least favorite characters: Reborn,
Yamamoto, Hibari, Dino, Xanxus, Glo Xinia 14. Which character I am MOST like:
Sometimes I'm pretty much like Tsuna. The damedame side of him tl, dr 15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I started shipping
10069 events Knowing Before They interactive. I felt as if I Understood the "crack pairings" people better.

And it looks like the terrible earthquake Chileans were waiting for finally struck today. Dammit, 8,8 in the Richter scale is immense! 



\ufeff The ABC powers.
That's how these three are called, apparently . ^^ This started off as a single Chile doodle and then suddenly Brasil popped up and then Argentina. So I shoved them all together into a single picture and had fun with Photoshop afterwards.
And then it's just doodles from now on. These are nothing but tries to get more familiarized with the Latinos as well as perspective studies.

(yes, I was feeling bad for drawing Manu all the time)
On takamin, all by myself, when I was ronery:

(No, actually Steaky drew the Roma curl in this one XD)
I really want to draw the Latinos more often from now on. They're all so cute >w<

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Myeloma India Singapore [Ficlet] SpaPort - Something little

t was late in the afternoon, almost nighttime. Both were together once again, after so long. In the bedroom Spain was there, again, caressing his hair, looking at him with those green eyes. Eyes that were almost the same green as his dearest England’s. But Spain wasn’t England, Portugal knew that. At least, he thought that he could be sure of that. So why he was stuck in a bedroom with Spain topping him was beyond him.
Portugal had never been a man of rash decisions and yet, this time, in a blink of a moment Spain managed to get his way with him. And now there he was, lying on a bed, looking at Spain face to face, feeling his breathing on him. Spain kissed him on the front, on the cheek and even on the tip of the nose. Against head is Portugal's chest.
"Remember? Since when were leaving and when I put something was wrong? "
[" Do you remember? When you allowed me to rest like this When Something Went Wrong? "] Yes, of course Portugal Remembered. Spain Was Young When he'd Always Been a bit of a scaredy-cat and Above all, very nervous. Portugal Would Then put His Hand on Spain's head and let him rest on His chest. Spain Once Said That Would hearing His breathing calm him down. He'd know I wasn't alone at Those Times.
"Agora é join himTaking as historical time, slowly getting to the point. His hand now roaming haphazardly over Portugal's body Eventually got to touch His genitals. There I stopped. He Touched again, now Tighter, grabbing it.

Then I stopped.

"Portugalín, tell me one thing ..."
"Portugal, Tell Me Something ..."

"Or foi?"
[ " What is it? "]
Spain pulled on Portugal's underwear Leaving bare historical member.

[ "This!" ]

"Sim ..."
"Yes ...?"
] Portugal Spain Look to What WAS pointing at. Then I look back at Spain. "But you were you honestly expect eu à pusesse me hard? You? "

" But honestly expecting Were You That I'd get a boner? With you? "
] There Was a pause. And Then tears started to come forth Spain's eyes.
"BUHYOO! But if it's tiny! & Iexcl; So tiny, almost like my Romanita! Oh, brother, how good you are ... do you think all

always! I love you I love you, love you

! " [" Buhyoo! It's small! So small, Almost Like Romano's my sweet one! Oh brother, how nice of you ... You always take Into account Everything! I love you, I love you, I love you

! "

By around this time Spain Portugal WAS hugging and cuddling him terribly with all His strength. "But you're bom da cabeça?!"
[CHTM flaccid. Not only didn’t his plan work, but he’d been tagged in Spain’s brain as someone who cannot pull a boner. Portugal felt as if his pride had been hurt. In both ways. And it irked him terribly.
Without reflecting on what he was doing, he just grabbed it and started masturbating. No way he’d lose to Spain. And surely not when it came down to something like sex. He was even the one with the bigger penis, so he held the advantage.
He carried on until he was almost coming. It couldn’t get any bigger than this.

“Agora já não há nada que possa correr mal…” [ “Now nothing can go wrong anymore&helTMLXC

Friday, February 19, 2010

Kates Playground Full Sets Free APH - Animation Storyboards 3 (Some pics)


And now, for some random pages ~

# 27

# 28

# 31

# 32

# 33







If someone wants to see the sketches for specific scene from eps 27-39, I don't mind taking a photo of it ^^

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Alabama Core Hunting Land In Green County

Haha ... as I got my DA up and running again, I'm upping my artwork directly to my account to Avoid So Many 1 piece works here on LJ.

Oh well, again it's doodle dump. With yesterday's
p-chat session with [info] fanfaluche (aka, Romano) to celebrate Spain's "fake" birthday. Gay

stuff ahead. You are Warned.

I get my prompts from the weirdest places. This Was a "dialogue" Were my two lovely Italies HAVING on twitter. THEY ARE TOO CUTE FOR ME TO Handra! , W;

Next Was Another fail!try at colouring. Tried to colour in a single layer, but meh... I don't like it anymore :|
But anatomy was fun to draw. :D\ufeff

Birthday present for [info] birvan  
She loves the mystical stuff, so I tried to draw something in a slightly different style. He's supposed to be holding an owl mask, but I'm sure no one can tell it's one. OTL




"Dialogue" sta

Friday, February 5, 2010

Shiny Stone Pokemon Shiny Gold

and really I tried, but after drawing the faces, I could not create the perspective planning. T_T

Next, for [info] theotherdenise (Irie Shoichi):
Eevee is harder to draw Than I Thought. AND HOW COME SHO-CHAN BOX DOES NOT HAVE AN ANIMAL YET ?!?!?!?!?! TAAAAT
Ehm yes, this is my second favorite of KHR, so thank you very much for Requesting him, debbie: 3

Number 3 ...
WAS ...
ok, the prompt was great, but ...
For Once in my life I wish Port Did not Have So Many babies ... Here you go

banner contest at the AsaKiku community
[info] Oh, did you know you can draw graffitis on twitter? 8DDD
I think I have to turn this second one into a proper sketch/illustration on SAI. I like it  *3*

Oh, you can have 2 pencil doodles as well. Lately I'm working so hard at the hospital that doodles appear out of nowhere. B|

Chibi one is Lu.
I also drew a chibi Supein sitting on a tomato and a chibi Portu hugging an orange for a friend, but I had to give it to her. AND THEY WERE SO CUTE AT THAT!! ;w; [info]