Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Cheats Shiny The typical artu thing post

What's wrong with my hand? Every time I try to draw Kiku I eat out horrible, _;

UNDER THE BRIDGE! I Admit I watched it for the OP, But It's glorious \u0026lt;3


Actually, I've been Wanting to do a picture like this Ever Since I re-listened to this song:

Song is very easy. It only goes:
noite eu quero CHT

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Success Of Syringobulbia Treatment


[info] Now for something slightly healthier : (% of physical activity within Europe)

:3 Note: Ports don't siesta.
And if we see this in METs:
(MET is a English unit for "metabolic equivalents". Aka, a MET is the amount of energy the body consumes when someone's just standing during a certain amount of time. E.g., a light physical activity is generally Considered to require about 4.5 METs and intense When It's> 4.5 METs.)
Is not Such a pretty number? , W;
The funny part is That Does not Really Suffer from Port Neither diabetes obesity Problems normal. And we do love to eat and are crazy for sweets. Hm, Mebbe it's the fish.
[info] Finally, let's talk about sexy stuff. I Was waiting for the teacher to upload the. Ppt presentation about contraceptive use and I finally did. However, I deleted the slides WHERE Could one compare the contraceptive use in Europe ... But, I knowz Where to look for Those Things:

Wow ... Liet and Pol ...

Cheap Two Face Action Figure

No asleep, take hot chocolate on Christmas Eve, and much more.

finally sent me two copies of the book that I translated. Now I teach it to everyone, hehe.

I started to visit the workshop of literature in the English cultural center in college. The teacher is from Cadiz and knows a lot of English poetry. See if you write a poem:)
This singing,
Dança e Voar,
Uo, uo
E.. Quero
see Luzes, Quero be Muitas
passar umor
Uo, uo, uo, ua,

peixes Quero see you dancing as Ideias
E Quero Voar
screaming for, até see
O fogo
E Tues paste type, fire,
I tied a light, light surround me
voltar E eu PRO MY place.
I want to sing tonight and fly Dance

wow, wow
And ... I want to see
Many lights
I Want to Be a Bird
wow wow wow wow

I want to see the fishes dancing shouting

And the ideas I want to fly, Until I see, is catching on
The fire
And like, burn
Until the light, the light surrounds me
And I go back to my place