Saturday, August 28, 2010

Automotive Labor Guide Oh great...

It's really not a bright idea to post your doodles to specific Communities and first Then only to your own LJ. What I do not even remember the last thing I posted here was!

This One Was for the [info] codfishpub . Who'd ever say this little community That Could gather 100 members? Are the numbers and always rising * w *

This One Was based on [info] tinfoiltennis mermaid fic Where I Took the Extra Effort to Completely mess up the anatomy ...
Yay, go me. OTL

Doodled this on takamin on the day I nearly set the house on fire. Was waiting for my pizza to cook~
Italies are so cuteeeeeeeeeeee X3
Totally miss our fab, fab p-chats btw, eurofags.
[info] I don't think I ever shared this headcanon, have I? As the Azores and Madeira are considered national territory (under continental Portugal's jurisdiction), I'd rather have Porty having some sort identification mark for them instead of making an OC for each archipelago. That's what those two hairs of his stand for, according to my headcanon.

Honestly, I wanted to post those two doodles at their respective pairing community.  [info] In case you're interested in seeing those two futile attempts at NSFW, they can be found here at


. The entry is member's locked as it's R-18 content.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can U Survive Secondary Cancer

This all started with a single doodle Eventually Which Turned Into a meme-ish thing.
It Had Been Some Time Since I last drew kisses and además of Being rusty, kisses Are not very easy to draw ... at least for me. So I set this in September of rules for myself:
- Pick a pairing
- Düring one week, draw a sketch of the pairing kissing, Every Day
Profit "Profit" Because ... drawing a pairing you like kissing is to very nice way to pamper yourself * w *
I Would really love if Other People Took this challenge. It's a great training and the results Are
quite nice ~ I'm sure this Could Be adapted for fanfiction as well, But I have no idea What the "minimum required" is: x

Friday, August 13, 2010

Best Brand Of Fish Sticks Happy 150th!

the right to an ESTABLISH Diplomatic representation Within Europe countries, aside from the opening of Various Allowing Japanese ports to U.S. foreign trade.
At this time, Japan to negotiate a Proposed Treaty with Portugal, signed in Which WAS 3rd August 1869. The Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce Between Portugal and Japan. "
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Hope

Did it end up as too silly Something . And please forgive my comic abilities. They know I ran away on the very instant I Had this idea.