Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Diagram Of A Pirate Ship x_____________X

To : [info] reto_diario [95/95]
Title: same as always.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Claim
: Ryohei / Mukuro.
Extension: 479 words. Warnings
: Located in TYL, relation to this cartoon (and which promotes there) .

The place was the same as you remember. Absurd to think that, being a ilusióny was his mind that was steeped in the green image andpacible a visit not long ago.

At first, then know that this bridge between ilusióny his mind was not broken after Vendicare, separate running and looking for a resident magician shouting to fight with him. And by the way of joining the boxing club.

And as always, refused aparecíay Mukuro, but not exiled.

Years passed, and every time the visit frequency decreased to almost forget that the link still alive. He did not break, and not surprisingly the other guard. A veces only coming, no screaming, and saw the man but not pineapple, was a quiet Chrome, finding it impossible to need to leave, she stayed with her to have long talks.

A Mukuro saw even less.

why I knew I could walk freely through the grass, even throwing rocks at the tiny lake, and would place abandoned when he left.


She turned around, clearly knowing he would find behind it. & Am- Only a few hours.

Of course, words were not worth the boxer cheerful smile again, with a "wait to the end!" By hand in the air. He shook his head, suddenly believed that spirit was infectious.

before disappearing completely, the boxer was stopped in a call.

- Hey, Head of pineapple!

Mukuro watched him askance, Ryohei smiled broadly. Eyes shining.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is There Snow In Thredbo In December (L)

To : [info] reto_diario [94/94]
Title: Not again.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Claim: TYL! Lambo.
Words: 303. Warnings
: After Chapter 313 of the sleeve. Spoilers and located in TYL.
Notes: To have appea made me write more about him? Maybe. I love my muse.


When he returned to the future, he felt his body weighed twice what realities that; Oacute; dark young man by surprise, was more common than always behaved older brother and not as Chief. In all, even to designate missions.

"We're ready, is not a complicated task. I do not want to be exposed, "said Tsuna serious voice, then watched him askance. Lambo -

You do not go.

---'re better here.

Not again. Ten years and the same. Lambo stared, air and exhaling heavily, neg & oacute, with the head. The next thing he said was quite simple, with a touch of tantrum that made him look smaller, but his tone was convincing.

"Take me with you.

The future was too close to spending more time away and protected.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Install Pokemon Battle Revolution On Pc

To : [info] reto_diario [93/93]
Title: Indispensable .
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Claim
: Tsuna / Gokudera.
Words: 351.
Warnings: Spoilers for Future Arc and inserts anime.
Notes: Praise be to have an OTP that allows me to write drabbles randoms: '3.

not know it at an exact time for the pressure he had on his shoulders and mind was too large to pay attention &; Oacute; na minimum conditions which had been used in the future.

Back to last for another few days, left him again blocked thoughts and new concerns. Lie, cover up, smile, get the stamps and return. His priorities for his conscious was emptied by touching the pillow.

But he did not in its entirety. There was something, perhaps a nuisance, not allowed to rest at ease and made him turning in his bed for hours.

Feeling that ignored during the Volvo & iac Diayer few days in my house?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Best Starter Out Of All The Generations

dam, did not look in the right directions. Not far from him was parlan --- Rokudo Mukuro pineapple, but not looking directly and crouched enconrtraba, noticed that his concentration was focused on other issues. He clenched his fist, feeling energetic enough to run up there. - Aaaaaah! Not seen you! Exclaimed smiling, and seen only a few steps from the illusionist (or gesture that had made up or continue insulting) realized that all was not well again [info] .There was a small lump on the grass and took him to Mukuro wrist, the boxer-Dokuro alarmed! was ... awesome. The body of the small Chrome was not clear, as the other man Elo present, was seen wearing a translucent white hearth uncommon in it. What impressed to see her belly Ryohei was sunk as if something was missing in her body and scattered his long hair and covered half his face and one eye.
"Do not listen. lost the link I have with e so-Mukuro expression was grim and coldly angry, obviously not against the student or newcomer to the boxer. Gently Chrome left arm on the grass, breathed heavily before joining.
His eyes were fixed upon the guardian of the Sun
- What are you doing here? I do not remember having given a special pass to come down here, "he said rudely, but smiling as he knows how.
"I aburríay I can not stand still too you; Oacute; for ... some time.
A slap on his shoulder blade that made him stumble out of their thoughts. [info] - Do not worry! We leave this! -Ryohei looked cheerful, as if he had never known the darkness of Vindex. What the heck. Suddenly I needed sunglasses to avoid being blind so brilliantly cloying. But he also thought so. Openly accept him was another matter quite different.