Title: We are not stalkers, I swear.
Fandom: LMF! HS! KHR! Claim
: Mad Trio, mentions of the OTP.
Words: 312. Warnings
: Sosedad, lol.
Notes: I have no ideas, 3,.
"Sometimes I think we're obsessed," said Miyu, watching the wall decor. Rows of pictures looked great there, mostly insequence and different days. Her friends raised an eyebrow. Okay, we're not .
"We do our work in an original way.
"It's more entertaining way," said Rain at the photos, every italian neighbor appeared in the company of a brown boy. And the number of images was impressive. The Chief does not have to know.
"And it will not," laughed Selene. A & i will give Sawadathinking that it would
them worse if your neighbor came to see the library's own spies. He turned his face, just wanting to say something passenger. And where was supposed to be the door, was a redhead with an expression crushes behind him was L trying to hold a smile.
A severe tic in the eye of D, and looked at his
three responsibilities (who put innocent falsely synchronized expressions) with obvious anger. I point a finger at the pictures and opened his mouth to ask the first thing accomplishedscate of his thoughts. Luga
ahead of him, raised one finger and smiled nervously.
"We can explain it.
D Too bad that all was clear, there teníaa three headaches with an air of mafia:
were three migraines with soul stalkers.
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