Sunday, December 16, 2007
How To Get A Frend To Help U Materbat Although the monkey dressed in silk ...
Now the big question:
All: Max, how long are you staying?
Max: At least until 18 January.
All: Why?
Max: Because I have my ticket for the BIG DAY OUT!!
All: What the fuck?
More info on the Big Day Out soon, lol. Max Photo
Photo Max Big Day Out
here. More photos netb
Monday, December 3, 2007
Russianbareathletic Scenes Last month
The first is that the parts of the motorcycle was stolen. One Friday, for about three weeks after the chelas we went bowling. I left my Cleta faithfully chained to a palm tree that protects it from the rain, gives shade and attracts those damn birds that shit on me shit on my seat or seat or whatever. After bowling - all of this sorely missed - we take a beer at a pub. From there we went to the city and reels in the dept. Priscilla. After a while, we went to a dance club and has said shit! A few hours later, the 'mates' call Jeremy to invite the "Big Boys Toys", he asked "CChilean with an I go? "and departed. At 3pm we returned to the parking lot and there was Global, the palm alone. No trace or the parts of the motorcycle or the chain. It took me five days to go to report the theft to the cops. The officer, very optimistic, he said it appeared that too. The parts of the motorcycle I bought on June 6 and had a huge number six on one side, many six the mark of the beast - accidents and theft, so thankfully disappeared . All these days I was riding a bus. On Friday, my boss calls me and asks me if I really parts of the motorcycle was stolen or sold it (because I had disturbed a week that has been sold). I said " old, so weve, height is fome. "He took me to the warehouse next door and there he was, grinning. Those ofthe warehouse next to work on Saturdays, a guy came in the morning, found the motorcycle and put it away, believing she had been dropped. Now, what happened to the chain? As he was without the brand, as I was with, according to gossip the guy is Maori, cars and other weas dismantled, and a chain was a breeze. Someone suggested that he wanted change for a bottle of whiskey - it seems sensible. Filo, the point is that I have again and Cleta recent gossip was me and six is a mule.
The "Big Boys Toys" is, as the name implies, a fair for males (Michael Are we we are not male or males?). There were cars, mines, boats and boats, promoters, crest, rich mines, computers and games, rich promoters, sports extr
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mouth And Blade Modove Haircut
On Monday, we played our second game of netball. Now we have uniform. Tomorrow I take the camera and posting some pictures the next soon. Photo Max Hair
year 70
short hair picture and what the surf wave
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bra For People With Small Boobs Victorias Secretg Ruapehu
After five hours we arrived at Ruapehu. jeremy was made a goat a goat boy: I grabbed my backpack and threw it ten feet away, then grabbed my sleeping bag and threw it on the air another ten meters. Israel was already there (the guy who appears playing golf in the photo above) and his girlfriend. We grabbed our stuff and we head to Whakapapa, on the summit of Ruapehu volcano. This volcano erupted or erupted or erupted (do not know what the volcano) and a week before a guy gets his leg amputated because he dropped a rock on top. This he said when we were going to the top. Whakapapa What? It is an area of the volcano and at the same time ... a ski slope. Yeah, hahaha, that was what I was doing that weekend. In the snowand, pulling me the shit all the time and having fun.
When we got there, into a cold bitch. Jeremy gave me snowboard pants and jacket. Notice the difference by touch. I had to buy some gloves, paid a rented class and the boots and a table. A table? Yes, snowboarding. I know I'm a bastard. It was amazing. Riding a snowboard is one of the things I've done bacanes here in NZ. I know I fell all the time, but I had a great time. I had a terrible fall and had been a good idea to make a video of it. In fact, the wound with the points I put in the knee was purple and it hurt, but still worthwhile. The class was Pajero, in the end, could not even bend, or stops, nothing. SoonThat. It was cool.
I still can not get the video, but here are the photos! Max Photo
and board in hand here
. Max
Photo goat-faced boy here.
Photo Max in the cabin here .
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cruise Spots For Men Maryland
the second day the weather was maomeno, so we had to go to another place with better weather. The place chosen was Taupo, I do not know if it is a region or just one area, but in Taupo is a lake and is the largest in NZ. Not only that, it is also a crater. When I saw the map of NZ, is notbaa was a big lake, but still there I realizedand, people go and do your thing, but there must be something else. I would not risk it, my butt is still a virgin and I want it that way forever. I do not know, was like the mystery of the Super Loo. In any case, what is the way, do attract tourists? Onda "Welcome, today we have off, because a guy who was sick of batting left horn." Take one picture or buy a souvenir, still warm.
We went to the cinema to see "Rush Hour 3." Maomeno, full size you smile, but do not give more. Jeremy was screwed up with laughter and laughed her infectious laugh all the time. Then we went to lunch. I ate a BLT = beacon, lettuce and tomato. It was huge. In fact, when I served it all looked at me with a face of old, do not you eat or two days.
golfing here.
TVMAX from Taupo
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Good Names For Financial Services Companies
Hello to all my readers FFNET. I decided to leave this mensajillo after long absence. Ke you will excuse it is not precisely what i expected (the end of SDT), but I'll talk a bit about that later. Lately I've read all the messages had been leaving me ke. I know ke ke categorically not ignore them. And lately I have the burden of conscience porke I have not finished the chap and I were the last lot. But weno, ke I first answer the question most popular (and consequently answer to number 2).
Well, I guess the first 2 months and were explained due to my European trip through ancient lands. I mean, I think there keda ke up my first justification. However, the second part of time is not as happy as the first. And the second is nothing more and nothing less ke a stone. A huge rock with a face and body of a man with ke I stumbled in the most silly with ke may fall. These last few days (weeks now) I have cohabited this planet with a broken heart. Crying every 2 ke 3 minutes so beautiful and absurd that ke is ke love and everything that triggered it. I could not write, draw or anything ke ke represents everything was. And that
Monday, October 15, 2007
Where To Catch Leafeon In Pokemon Indigo Last Friday in Global
left Gordon (old culia'o conchasumadre; hopefully will die down and go to hell). 4.00
all started pulling back. 4.15
we prepare for the chelas.
4.25 to wash their hands. 4.30
All in all, I have to clarify that the company gets the chela Friday, including two types of chelas, four types of beverages, twenty types of wine, chips, peanuts and candy. Not only pay all of that, we also pay this half-hour - obviously lengthen the half-hour to an hour and since I arrived I did not chelas are just two, but three. During
chelas, Jeremy told me I had a ball in the car and jugplow after. After a while, a guy stood fome talking about books and about his experience in theater, the kind Funo the reel and we went to play the parking lot. Typically, kicking the ball from side to side trying not to hit the car of one of the heads and re-importandos little if we gave the kind of books. Soon appeared Priscilla and Sarah. Priscilla is an India that any guy would turn to look at it when it happens and Sarah is a super nice mine. The latter sounded terrible, but it is actually re-nice and not ugly at all, ells is cool. Filo, the expression (espero. ..). Jeremy
given a pass and go back. Another pass and had already held a mini changa. Two against two. Obviously, Jeremy I had looked at all eggthis time, looking at how skinny I am and in my face no le hit-to-any-sport. I showed that I am not so bad. Suddenly, dark and I ended up in a bar purring with Jose Cuervo (Michael you rajaste in Viña). Jeremy
is this coolest guy. In His own words, "women like to be with him; men'd like to Be Like Him, and has a massive personality." The guy is 21 and is cool. He laughs at me and laugh at him. If it rains bring me home in a car with bike and all. Always looking for a joke to me. For example, the other day I went to get something to my locker and everything was closed with tape, the other day he broke a test tube and I got a message saying 'Jeremy broke this', he changed it to Max and left in the letter
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Low Calorie Banana Cake
elos chela Friday, someone threw me the comment that we were not going to play indoor soccer, but netball. I looked at the mine that was going to register and said, 'Old woman, I'll kill you. Now, explain to me 'turns out for the soccer tournament was to play poThankfully, because I'm cache if it was wave on 20 December (when my contract ends) I would not have invited. Still not invite me, but I already assumed in the list.
At this point I'm making time for the match between the All Blacks and France. I chunk the Kiwis are going to do bits and pa Frogs' home, the glass is clear that in France, so I do not know. Filo, the point is that at some point in the All Blacks have to lose, so the price drop T-shirts and bought me one.
By the way, here changed the time and have an extra hour of light in the afternoon. The weather improves and worsens. Four days of summer sun and three rain with thunderstorms and hail. In fact, on Monday I had to leave the bike at the Warehouse and I had to go with the driver who worked in Chile ... culia_ @ #! That
. Sorry for the length fomes ... Of course you will not put effort on this issue. Yes, seal the end ... Les
some photos of some of Auckland Sky Tower at the center (because my sister asked me for catching photos architectural style), another of a park, and a kiwi-sports.
where is Sky Tower Photo
here. Photo bacán park overlooking the sea
here. Photo no idea where this moron jumped
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Introduction Letter Dental Work
3. I am part of the Global Trotters.
Now with more details.
1. Finally my bike is fixed. On Wednesday I picked just before they closed. The guy left out, paid the settlement, I realized that the chain was stuck on the pedals, when I finally put the chain in place, the guy was. I get the steering wheel was crooked and not going change the front brake was not working and the rear wheel flat. I managed to get home and the next day I went to leave again. They fixed everything and now I'm like silk.
2. On Friday, ended the three-month contract with the employment agency and from Monday am an employee of Global Science.and is of colonialism, but still), and last but unconfirmed, Heather, one of the leaders, is lovely and has amazing eyes. Hopefully play,
hehe. And finally there is the great Max and as my brother, always thinking Chilean trap. I'll have to buy zapandillas, since I have no ná and apparently going to take the T-shirts of the Global Trotters. That
. If we play, I'll post some pictures.
What was not in Hell's Gate
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Qpst 2.7 Build 215 And Efs File Explorer Inferno, Rugby and other
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Why Does My Butt And Left Leg Hurt
As I was saying was Tommy's birthday. A Thursday night and held the compu Simon appears out of nowhere in my room, I stuck to the ceiling scared to face I asked him what he wanted. He told me Tommy was on msn waiting for me to connect. Yes, he invited me to his birthday. Tommy studying English at university a kind of technical school and was going to celebrate here, in one of the departametos of students - college gringa wave (alpha, beta, gamma, lambda tri, Triforce, etc). He said that a Japanese would happen to me looking.
Friday after the hit, I went to the supermarket and bought a pack of 24 chelas, not the best, not the cheapest either. Japanese arrived, the guy was a fucking freak. What a way to talk crap, I left behind me, obviously. Arrived. The building was like those seen in movies for teens gringo, departments as well: a large living room with six-foot kitchen, a bathroom, six bedrooms. Hugs, give my chelas not cheap, and had another four packs of 24 chelas. Soon the guests began to arrive, Taiwanese, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, etc. All Asians. It must have been about 30. Suddenly I see some guys who did not have slanted eyes. Desperate asked "Viejo, pcs. Where?" I respond "India ". Chuchamadre, all Asian. At one point, Tommy tells me that two South Americans on their way. A Colombian ugly to die. Terrible. I said hello and would be. The other was a Bolivian who did not seem to see typical on television in Chile. In fact, he was tall and had green eyes. We started talking and after five minutes I said that is an architect. Nooooo, not another architect. With my sister enough. For sealers ended up betting on a Chinese game.
Speaking of architects, in conversation with a koreana reel and says something like "yeah, I go to Spain because there is an architect called Galileo Galilei blablabla ..." I was with the face of 'what the hell you're saying. " So kindly explained:
-one, that Galileo was not English,but Italian
-two, lived 400 years;
, and finally, the type was not an architect, but pricipalmente astronomer and physicist.
After all this thanks to my sister, I said I knew about a English architect, Gaudi, and had built using mosaics, buildings, a plaza and a cathedral. I was like a bastard. That
. Good reel, a little freak. I had a bunch of guys and mines, the time could not remember their name or their faces. Maomenos photos, but I have no settlement. Photo with Tommy
here. Photo
top of the ball with Nicole here.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Suitcase-piercing Foto My Cleta ...
Yes, I ended my Cletus. Last Sunday I was involved in an accident. Lujito just after I returned home, I took my parts of the motorcycle, went out and did. Something happened, but they still do not know exactly why. I just remember from when I was in the ambulance. There was a paramedic, who looked at my sister's boyfriend, but chubby asking me questions in English. I do not understand anything. Apparently took several minutes for the ambulance, and he called me by my name. I was about to say he looked like Christian, but at one point started to take off my shoes and said "Not old, what are you doing?" My shoes were terrible and I was embarrassed. Obviously, it was not to worry about nonsense moento. It helped me take my polerón, the typical white I have, only it was covered in blood and had elbow grease stains on the chest. At that time I felt it. The chest pain drove me to the gurney. Suddenly a policeman came and told me he had had an accident. I leaned on his elbows to look out the window and there I saw my parts of the motorcycle, lying on the grass beside the street. The police made me more questions, it seems the same, what's your name, where you live and more, until I said "What happened?" Replied that he remembered nothing. Then I explained that he had lost consciousness for several minutes.
The ambulance left and paramedic told me we were going to the hospital. After a while he asked me where we were going, I replied that the hospital dand North Shore. He told me I was wondering to know if he remembered, if retained information. Then I urged him. I realized that something serious had happened. Until that time was all confusing, accident, the shock of waking up in an ambulance, police up there with my head asking me questions, the boyfriend of my sister (¿???); speaking English but after that question I realized that I could have died, but he was alive, I could be given invalid, but it was and I could have missed something (an arm, an eye), but everything was there and, apparently, running perfect.
On arrival, they made me change my table, took my shirt, I put a hospital gown - that which lets the air poto, of course I still had jobs l
Monday, August 20, 2007
Creative Extigy Driver Cd
I tell when I saw the ad said "yeah, But what if?". I thought for a week and buy the ticket online. The first time I buy online, I practically assured a place and not have to go to a place to stand in line or anything that might happen. Prices ranged from about $ 170 and $ 50 dollars and my student card and I remembered. I recognize that just after accepting the payment I regretted, but it was done and I think he can ask for money back or resell. I had no more to go and enjoy.
- Good & Where did you go?
* Auckland.
- and now? * The theater
tate and mine looked at me "quiet, it's just work." My buddies
I can say that Cordelia was ok.
I think there is many Chileans who have seen him perform live, too Kassar (my teacher of William in the U.S.) would be proud of me. Worth more than the penalty and I think that after all I went cheap. I do not have many opportunities to give me a luxury like this, but I'm very happy and satisfied. Of course I forgot the camera at home, no photos or videos, bujuju.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Asus Drw-20b1lt Treiber
Someday I'll come back and go, there will be pictures and office to TVMAX.
was going to upload another video, but I was embarrassed, lol.
This weekend I have a
Brigido me lujito
. Photo
Sky Tower from below
here. Photo
Sky Tower from here
bus. Photo of Victoria St
here. picture of mine that eluded me all the time
here. Video fome of some activity. CHTM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Beautifulagony Account Complaint
However, I have one complaint: the lack of posting on the part of you. I estimate that about fifteen people read, at least occasionally, what I write. Of these, eight to ten should be posting something. What is that thing? A brief comment, for example, "how good Max," "how sad", "moron fome", "we can be," "I miss you," "Champion," "Come soon," "Why envy or "old man, there like you." These are not suggestions, but merely a demonstration of the type of permissible responses, in otherpalbras, either.
A reader told me he checked my journal every day to read something new and found nothing. I check every day to read a greeting or news that I have left and find nothing.
In any case, this quja is not for everyone, as I have posters faithful, always present, they give me one reason to keep telling them about my expericencias here in New Zealand. The idea for the journal was that they knew of my constantly and not just when you send an e-mail twice a year and know I am telling them as they are.
Everyone knows I'm sealers, but this post has a warm tone, a tone that invited him to write. That
Monday, July 30, 2007
Brown Mole Games Onskin
The guy crossed into the bike lane because a car was stopped to turn to before. I never understood if this guy did not want to wait or maneuvered to avoid colliding with another. If you tried to be passed from rogue, is a waste. If you wanted to avoid an accident, caused another and I fucked my, trash alike. After a china almost overwhelms me. The sweets, I told him everything. Finally, it was about to arrive and it started to rain. For more auction, had to pay H
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Gay Cruise Spots Maryland Kiwi sports Saturday
The tournament this year was only six games since the cup matches played in France. Since he started playing the tournament in 1996, the All Blacks had won seven times, while the "Wallabies" (Australian) and Springboks (South Africa) two each. The "All Blacks" were the favorites anyway. However, the match against"Wallabies" in Australia is lost. Australia won their opening two matches and South Africa lost both. In the second round matches, South Africa lost both games again - against New Zealand no longer had anything to do, if not to rest players and prove reserves.
The party started yesterday with a "waka" is a cry that made the All Blacks to intimidate, I suppose, the opposing team, in this case the Australians who had seats in the matter. In a few words "All Blacks" 26 "Wallabies". 12 New Zealand won the tournament and the Bledisloe Cup has happened, I have no idea what it is. All happy in NZ, but people are not going to celebrate Pza Italy or a similar place. Fome.
For Moreover, yesterday, we played theSilver Ferns' against rival Australia. Who are the "Silver Ferns? It is the team of "netball" in New Zealand. Chuch_ What is "netball? It is a sport similar to basketball, but with mine. On Thursday I saw my first game. At first did not understand much, but then I realized what it is. Do you interesting? No idea, except that the public is mostly mine, so here goes. That day was played not know what glass. And the "Silver Ferns" lost. Apparently, the Australians have the best team and the Kiwis, despite having a very good player, did not have many possibilities.
yesterday's match is for a drink and the importance is that it is also time for the World Cup to be played soon. It is expectedrematch on Tuesday. That
honestly wonder Is there another reason for women's sport? Think beach volleyball or tennis.
picture of the "All Blacks" vs "Wallabies"
picture of the "Silver Ferns" vs Australian here.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Buy Kegs In Guinness In Dublin
obviously does not take the bike today and went by bus to the paste. In the morning only a few drops were falling, the wind was quite strong. During the afternoon, closed the door and the wind whipped mercilessly, all right, I looked from my refuge como moved. However, the problem started when we finished, everyone in your car and pa 'home. Max, however, had to walk two blocks against (no recall) winds, I have no-idea-few-miles per hour. Raindrops punzeantes attacked in endless waves, the wind hit me intermittently flew my backpack on my back. Finally, to achieve it, come to the unhappy fate, I get the bus. The driver? The same garbage that is not what my bank pass.
When I get off the mic and started my journey up here, passing through places that did not recognize. Ducks were no longer under the mini bridge. In fact, the bridge was no longer on the water. Wind speed is accentuated in that pazadizo. In a moment doubt whether to go through there or walk twentymeters to cross a less risky place. Bold, eluded both wind and water just to get to what yesterday was the 74 steps, now converted into a large waterfall. However, I could stop (good for something I'm writing now.)
Well, and the video? The photos? No where, because the camera is dark and I would fly. So I'd rather stay up here and not on the beach again, until tomorrow when I go to paste. I hope that light will not cut before you see Family Guy and House Doctor.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Bus Service Edinburgh To Macarthur Glen Perhaps you worked in Chile?
(pa Pasai you metio awe_nao) er, 20.
Driver: not serving this question. Max (as not, conch_tumadre?!) Like that?
Driver: no. Estai and large to be studied.
Max: (maric_n not Cachai I'm studying English?) Learn English at a language school.
Driver: just not for you.
Max: & nbsp, (there have money, culia_) good.
Driver: ...
Max: (that bore you, hijo'eput_) thanks. That
. It rained last week three times. The first time it started to rain he finished the sticks, so a friend brought me into his car to the house with motorcycle and everything. The second time Heather did not let me go by bike, as it rained in the morning, she took me to the glue. However, I had to make it back mic. As you may have noticed the driver's unfortunate I did not buy the student card and had to pay adult. How much? 3.20 kiwi dollars. Chilean silver? 1,310 pesos. And that's just the way ticket.
cu may also have been givento pay student in Chile and avoid the bad times with drivers to find a bloody kiwi work there. Hehehe, I get even when I pressed the buzzer for two consecutive blocks.
That if traveling by bus has its advantages, it actually has only one advantage: you're sitting. The reason? No one travels by bus. Everyone knows that or go late or go before. You have to be 15 minutes before the hour at the bus stop. Everyone has a car. The downside? Tacos. Awesome. Win at the same time. The advantage? The parts of the motorcycle, bike paths and sidewalks. Came before Heather and Donald to the house.
NZD 3.20 = 1.310
CLP Pd. Sorry for the bad photo, but it rained the weekend and when I get this dark. Photo of
maomenoa micro
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
How To Teach Dog To Submit CHAP16 y REVIEWS DEL 15 SDT
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My Right Tonsil Is Bigger Than The Left One
in previous comments, asked me about my job situation here in NZ. Somehow the secret leaked. And if I have to admit I have hit. Working in a company that buys and sells laboratory instruments. The name of the company? Global Science. My job? Verify that the pallets that come with all the goods and then leave them on the shelves accordingly. Working from 8.00 to 5.00 pm. The place is 15 min
Saturday, June 16, 2007
How Do You Build Rabbit Hutches For A Colonie
In the picture you can see only a third of the beach, of course it is not so wide. Must be 1 kilometer long and 15 feet of sand. Small compared with some of those we have in Chile, but alive to 3 mins to the envy of you - aha! (Read as Nelson Muntz of the Simpsons). Pictured
the link, the red line marks the path hUnique acia and the center of Browns Bay. In the section between the houses are the 74 steps I have to go up and down every time I go there. There are various shops, some restaurants, some wretched pubs and a supermarket, all expensive, since I live in a residential area carozi. Browns Bay north of there are other bays and beaches respective Torbay and Long Bay. Well these are what I can see on the map they gave me at Unique. Pictured
the link, the blue line shows the way to the bays that are to the south, Rothesay Bay, Murrays Bay, Mairangi Bay, Campbells Bay, Castor Bay, among others. It is a pedestrian crossing, as soon instaurare ciclivia. This step represents the first part of my sports and recreational travel. Low to Murrays Bay and then you climbta my house, there on the steps to the beach, I reach the end and back up again. Of course I do all this in my dreams, as they will not ever done. The excuse? I did not bring the right shoes. But soon he'll buy a pair.
So you know, post giving encouragement, and so far laziness is winning them a PC. and do not let me up from my bed.
Ojo, 35 Beechwood Road is my address, for those who want to send me a letter. I should have posted before my birthday, but as said Alvarado, never too late.
Photo with demarcation of the routes here .
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Andromeda See Individual Stars
TRACK2: Hermione let out their feelings and talk about their suffering. Harry appears on the scene helping Ron with fatherhood and he asked to be his godfather. Harry confesses to be divorced and talk to Hermione, but she asks him to find someone else.
BY: TlalGalaxia
and then save the page on my computer with the title "CHAPTER TWENTY SDT" in the appropriate folder SDT INSIDE A FOLDER IN MY DOCUMENTS FICTS JOJOJOJOJO! And there keda and the left ... and then it's where you come in action. For starters, they should know ke am a lazy person by nature ... I always put off to make cosas, it should not be but it is and no way ... and unless someone comes to pull me ke ears is ke react and I get to them. Of course, there are ways to ways to pull my ears (ie, one not a slave). Arguably makinita ke'm like a coin, one coin-ke not work, but reviews (jojojojo!). For example, I am uploading new chap (usually at night aunke is not correct) and leave it. Then, when I have time, check the inbox of my email ke tells me how many reviews has the chap (a gmail ke cool is that?).
Alert 4: Chap 24 is 34 reviews "Tlale reaction:" I must finish the chap now ! But first let me read! *_*". I finish reading the reviews and I'm like possessed in the computer with the firm decision to end it. Ke ke causes many kinds of puHTMLXC
Monday, June 11, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Telecharger Nero Startsmart
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Intruder Only One Cylinder
A special greeting to those who posted something in the corresponding entry - Sonita, Mark, Michael, Alvaro and Dieguits.
A special greeting to those who sent me a mail - Michael, Sonita, Diana, Jesus and Caro.
A greeting to which he sent me emails to hotmail and gmail - Caro.
A warm greeting and extra-especially those who also sending the birthday mail to each control a box informing that it had sent - Caro.
The reel comes when I return units. sponsor, though. I have one of these souvenirs, do not believe, but do not lose hope. Anecdote
birthday. The next day, call my house to say hello to my bro. I found out that one ofMigo was a paratrooper and echo a chair. Incredible. It may be more barsa? In any event, recognized him and post something about it. Alvaro Solo
greeting to my brother ...
who knew and said nothing was rated rogue.
Greetings to my fellow graduate education that yesterday. And I could not be (BUAA). Of course it's better here, near the little beach and sun. Soon photos of that.
My sister was lucky to receive my diploma.
"Please Max Diaz, close blabla" and gets up a mine. I guess it looks like a transvestite.
my birthday photos here and here.
picture of my mom at my graduation here.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Western Theme Invitation Wording
No way! no way!
I think you need a new
Hey hey you you, I could be your girlfriend.
Hey! hey! tu! tu! I know you liked
course not! Of course not!
not a secret Hey hey! you! you! I want to be your girlfriend
're very good (I say "you're very good" XDDD)
you mine I want you to eat
I think about you all the time
are very addictive Do not you know what I can do to make feel good?
not pretend, I know you think I'm damn precious
And yes! (I say "to huevooooo!" XDDD)
'm a fucking princess I can see that you like me too and you know you have
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
How Much Is A Single Black Pearl Worth CHAPTER 13 AND REVIEWS CHAP 12
Monday, May 28, 2007
Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser Welcome to greet Max If you leave a greeting here (leave a comment) If you greet your greeting Diego stop here
If you send mail, send it, I'll be waiting
under 3 lines will be rated as poor. Eye, do not complete.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Extigy - Windows 7 Yard
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Swot на спа
Enrique Iglesias's song was shortlisted tanpoco or anything and it was definitely one of the ones I spoiled for choice. But I read the lyrics tell the background music to the "Bonnie and Clyde" thought Ginny detective work and how they regret not knowing what I wanted. Enrique is one of my favorite catantes (in fact, never buy an album of his) but my mother has them all. Well, the good thing is that the chap escaped from it. Jejejejeje.
HanyAny: I think at the moment keions. The story is 100% HHR. Thanks for the review and for reading! Black Carrie: I always love to take advantage of the spaces to give a little sex guide (Tlale puts on glasses to look more serious). Hermione is not a fool for getting pregnant, it can actually happen no matter what method of contraception use and none is 100% secure. Ke you tell me if you can not tell ... You mean the pace? Porke if so, sorry to tell you ke ke is the worst method can be used and indeed you're playing as the sperm does not die instantly. If you what you mean is known not to count the days of your period to find out for herself, Hermione tells her mom that is irregular, which means 1) ke is delayed or you Adelanand write. Several books can help. Thanks also for the recommendation. One day I will show listotota thanks to you I have been doing on the songs and groups I can use. Well, thanks for the review!
megafanHP: No problem, maybe I was too direct in responding to your comment. So I apologize myself. And I fully understand that you want to know what follows. Regarding the number of seasons ... still not decided. At least finish the second to be about 15 chapters (counting a bonus track). I am planning a third, but I can not guarantee anything. Better take a step at a time and hopefully at the end of the second. Thanks for the review! Ruby P.
Black: In that I am, but you're right, I have a lot ¬ ¬ late. Even so, no doubt every time I have the take the opportunity to continue to respond and comment. Thanks for the review once again! Hehehehe.
arissita: Thanks for your understanding. As regards ke Hermione's mother, I do not think it ke ke was doing something wrong, quite the contrary. Claro ke lacks tact, but I ke go with your personality. Hee hee hee. Thanks for the review and for reading!
HoneyBeeM: I am pleased to say that at this point and I replied, right? Hahahaha. Though we can not lose sight, those two are still far to say and do: P
Kay: Sorry for EEDH: S. I'm on it but the chap I was too complicated>. \u0026lt;I proput the chap so often afraid to do it again ke ... Thanks for the review! Thank
tb for review to: cristy-bee-hhr, Amidala Nabarrie, Videl, cris-EVANS-Snap, Ladys-Fantasy, Arsami, Verit0 G.kl, Melina Kudo Ozora and Jenny Anderson. Thank you all! You rock!
and aki finish this post, I hope to see you soon in the FICT and aki, ke I'll try to continue this work. Chair! Tlale