I can not say anything of the son of Hermione because paternity has not yet decided. But it ke ... 2 options are great. A little no? Harry Ke is though to be with Ron, and Ron is ke and kede with him in spite of loving Harry. O ke be kede Harry and Harry (ke look forward to many) or is ke kede Ron but Harry, because she loves him. Ron does not have a moon (at least not in this storyline and will not if) Videl:
course suspect something, but as you saw, Hermione is the task of dispelling the dUDAs. Lady's Fantasy: I must confess
ke Draco containing ships were never my forte nor ke interested me (in fact, always stood with Ginny Neville). This is the first time where you stand with Draco and I'm enjoying ke say the growing realization XDDD. Oh, it must be the comparison of Draco with Spike. Or perhaps the idea in my head ke actually does have a lot of it. Follows the slope of that relationship as it is still an ellipsis. Jejejejeje Artemis Ravenclaw: do you read the epilogue of TEC? Weno, maybe, but you're right, I do not convince me the end ... hopefully not be disappointed with this (indeed, in.
Ruby P. Black : I think the basic step ke ke ke keria not happen. Sorry, but the outline is done in a while n_n *
DanielBlack05: obviously know me very well. Claro ke things I like to let you in suspense and I have to confess often eper ke ke eager to connect you to know you what you think of the chap (jejejeje!) How would not you spend it? (Coming from a person like me, ke best I can offer are words.) Ke weno kè you like the gift! And thanks for the review.
you're absolutely right. Harry and Hermione did wrong (very verymal). But weno, that story goes. In other words, a story without plot, Why, kè joke is? Ke I hope you continue enjoying and thanks for the review. Macarena:
I ke ke what most concerns him is to know ekivocada for so long. And disappointed by Harry and ke, I think, she thought it was full ke iron will and blind to other women. Ginny possibly be curious, but part of it ke refuses to believe the things it prevents. In short, knowing the name of the woman, everything becomes real. And she kiere blindly continue to believe in Harry. Zephypotter:
Ron is not gay or infertile. No, Ginny is not pregnant (and start to seeMore telenovela televisa ke what it is). CZK description of happy family! Uj ... would be indeed an ideal, but it still lacks many things happen and see if it actually happens ... Thanks for the review! Thanks tb to: alinapotter, Azuka16, Kay, del (HHR), azondo, romycrazy, EmmaRiddle, LadysFantasy, Nidpotter, PattyPotter09, Melina-Kudo-Ozora, Nimue-Tarrazo, arissita, dragonfly81, maralej and Snape1 ISDR. Thank you very much for your comments! They are the best! YAY!
Weno, I'm late ... chair are!
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