Godric, maker of Eric Nortman including vampires, with over 2,000 years only appeared in 4 Chapters and yet captured the entire audience, both as parents and children, youth and adults alike all cried and Godric putearon that day when he left ... Similarly, there might be a better finish than that for a vampire like him * applause * and damn incerta! Eric also captured the audience when he knelt praying in tears of blood to stay Godric (waaaaaaaa buaaaaaaaaaaaa * tears tears *)
We all want (and even the actor Eric (Alexander S.)) that Godric actor (Alan Hyde) appears in the Flash Backs of Eric N. Hopefully alla ¬ ¬ or you just have to * Scan a voodoo items * muajajajajajaja
Now if you excuse me come into my denial mode where Godric did not die (as I read out there) but who is in Japan taking a break from the chaos that caused "The Brotherhood of the Sun" (technically it was his fault because he let easily capture, although its justification)
~*~*~*~ Here is some videos and img Godric with Eric. If I would have liked to see more interaction & OverhaulI seem to be wandering lol, the point I was getting was that Eric drank the blood of Godric to complete its transformation vampire, that means ... Really want to say it? ¬ ¬ go figure!
Now if the videos and img. Img
These were taken on HBO (I think, moreover, comes at the end of HBO img: P)
Here The videos I found on Youtube that I loved. I find they are one of the best of Godric and Eric. WARNING
A: Some contain arto spoiler.
Eric / Godric: Permanent
Godric / Eric - Fader. Broder. Son.
Godric & Eric | Winter Song
True Blood - Godric - "Let me go" (I will rise up)
(much spoiler)
Godric True Blood Cries Eric Dies 2x09 "I Will Rise Up"
(Part of ep 9 wherein Godric will ((is better than saying "die")))
~*~*~*~ Actor Allan Hyde is also a singer and know other languages, is Dinamark (I think, I'll have to make another entry he only xD), I say this because in the next video you will ever see him singing out with another girl, this song perhaps Acknowledge or have seen "Camp Rock "from Disney, the song is" This is me "singing emmm not know what language is, but the thing is coming out Allan Hyde so what else matters? xDDD
[Denmark] - Clipe "Den Jeg Er (This Is Me)" - Sine Vig Kjae