Or is way too FREAK! (And I'm not saying in the best sense of the word)
God! Poer why?? I do know that she looks adorable, squeezable, edible, but not for YOU'RE GIVING A psychopath EACH WHILE IN YOUR LIFE IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THIS COUNTRY! not enough that had to deal before? (And followed that up here ?)....... Will not let you alone until you give us clear and direct answers
¬ ¬
fear for my amigaaaaaaaaa, I hope to live next year. Sure I saw the pass and tucked the cellular network to know the latest news pure and review the website passingxD my
Hahahaha I did this drawing at a forum in the FanArt section when this section was opened recently, to encourage others to draw rolers not feel sorry how does it (Nice way to motivate them xD The sticks are the salvation hahaha)
That's my sister cyber (Eiri) and I (Tat) xD
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