Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dui Community Service Letter 2 more days until Christmas

Therefore I will wish you all a Merry Christmas ~

Festa adocicada by ~ wamyne on deviant ART
(This Was the drawing I Used for the Christmas card.
Heavily inspired by the last video Shown in Zurich for the Spain / Portugal FIFA WC 2028 bid and Then adapted Into a Christmas-like AU. Something Along the lines of These Two shrinking, going back to Their childhood days And Then grabbing a worldmap to find Their Way to Santa's.) And

Because everyone and Their mum Are posting this:

Porty Was made by the enterprise, btw.
They say it WAS made by a "marketing enterprise." I say it WAS the result of & quot; procrastination at work by the Workers of Said enterprise. "


Friday, October 29, 2010

Fatalist Optimist Pesimist My life in Olot

Took 4 months in Catalonia, with my butterfly hunter.
We have traveled a lot this summer we were in Madrid, Granada, Malaga, Bilbao and Vitoria.
Now I have a cold, is the price of climate change.
lie so much, I find work as a translator. Keep in touch with an Argentine writer who lives in Sitges and try to offer his book to the Russian publishers. Hopefully something comes out!

Blood Pressure 158/105

I have two new paintings, both finished in Spain. This is my favorite

These angels love me

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Automotive Labor Guide Oh great...

It's really not a bright idea to post your doodles to specific Communities and first Then only to your own LJ. What I do not even remember the last thing I posted here was!

This One Was for the [info] codfishpub . Who'd ever say this little community That Could gather 100 members? Are the numbers and always rising * w *

This One Was based on [info] tinfoiltennis mermaid fic Where I Took the Extra Effort to Completely mess up the anatomy ...
Yay, go me. OTL

Doodled this on takamin on the day I nearly set the house on fire. Was waiting for my pizza to cook~
Italies are so cuteeeeeeeeeeee X3
Totally miss our fab, fab p-chats btw, eurofags.
[info] I don't think I ever shared this headcanon, have I? As the Azores and Madeira are considered national territory (under continental Portugal's jurisdiction), I'd rather have Porty having some sort identification mark for them instead of making an OC for each archipelago. That's what those two hairs of his stand for, according to my headcanon.

Honestly, I wanted to post those two doodles at their respective pairing community.  [info] In case you're interested in seeing those two futile attempts at NSFW, they can be found here at


. The entry is member's locked as it's R-18 content.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can U Survive Secondary Cancer

This all started with a single doodle Eventually Which Turned Into a meme-ish thing.
It Had Been Some Time Since I last drew kisses and además of Being rusty, kisses Are not very easy to draw ... at least for me. So I set this in September of rules for myself:
- Pick a pairing
- Düring one week, draw a sketch of the pairing kissing, Every Day
Profit "Profit" Because ... drawing a pairing you like kissing is to very nice way to pamper yourself * w *
I Would really love if Other People Took this challenge. It's a great training and the results Are
quite nice ~ I'm sure this Could Be adapted for fanfiction as well, But I have no idea What the "minimum required" is: x

Friday, August 13, 2010

Best Brand Of Fish Sticks Happy 150th!

the right to an ESTABLISH Diplomatic representation Within Europe countries, aside from the opening of Various Allowing Japanese ports to U.S. foreign trade.
At this time, Japan to negotiate a Proposed Treaty with Portugal, signed in Which WAS 3rd August 1869. The Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce Between Portugal and Japan. "
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Hope

Did it end up as too silly Something . And please forgive my comic abilities. They know I ran away on the very instant I Had this idea.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Philippine Bmx Bike Shop I post again does an art

\\ ignore anatomy
And finally ...
[info] This is 99%

's fault.
Because she's the best troll ever bro.
Switzerland is the master troll Because He's Able to troll a whole continent, while Portugal only trolls peninsula. But yeah, troll bros. Really. C: [info]

Friday, July 23, 2010

Camera Inside Vargina Big long post!

t, and always telling everyone to get a job. No Matter Who, I always says That.
The critique is harsh in this one, But please see it as a comedy sketch.
[info] He's talking jibberish in the Ukrainian part, and Then He's speaking English and French in the Other Two. Ok, urges! English and urges! French (that's why I jump up with the Portuguese subtitles to translate it to Inglés)
3) The Panisgas (Italians, Turks and Swedish)

Oh, These guys ~
Ok, better put your volume down a bit here. These two characters call Themselves the "Panisgas" and They always talk like this in Their sketches. Does not mean anything at Panisgaslens, Immortal,
hoje de novo O splendor of Portugal! Among
da mist as memory impairment,
or homeland, present-is to speak Dos teus avós egregious, That ha-guide-te à vitória! Às

weapons, as weapons!
Sobre a terra, over the sea, Às
weapons, as weapons!
lutar Pela Patria! Against
Canhos you, go, go!

Desfralda to invicta Bandeira, À
bright light do teu céu! Brade a Europa à terra Inteira: Portugal não Be pereceu ija or just jucunda O teu Oceano, to roar d'amor, teu E
Braço Deu worlds winner novos ao Mundo! Saudai or Sun um rident Despont
About Porvair;
Seja uma or echo or sign faces
do ressurgir. Raios
dessa aurora forte São as beijos of mãe,
To keep for us, we sustem,
as insults against da sorte.

Heroes of the sea, noble people, Brave, immortal nation, today
Once Again Raise
The splendor of Portugal!
Amid the mists of memory,
Oh Fatherland, the voice
feel Of your distinguished forefathers, That Shall lead you to victory!
To arms, to arms!
On land, on sea,
To arms, to arms!
To fight for Our Fatherland!
Against the cannons, march, march!

undefeated Hoist the Flag, lively
In the light of your sky! Europe May
cry out to the whole Earth: Portugal
not has perished
Kiss your merry ground
The Ocean, roaring with love, And your victorious arm

Gave new worlds to the World!
Salute the Sun That Rises Over a gleeful future; Let the echo of an Offense Be the sign for a comeback. Rays of this strong dawn Are like a mother's kisses,
That keep us, sustain us,
Against the INJU

Saturday, June 12, 2010 What Happened 13/06

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

White Stain Remover To Underwear It's the 10/06

: 3
Yes, I Had fun with hair and historical events now looks sissies Than I've Normally does.

Sowwy ~ EDIT:
For the sparkles

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How To Record Movie With Zsnes [FST] West


for this one. Italian music is so beautiful and Mi-chan is my ever so kawaii provider. \u0026lt;3 I wanted to include the Italian brothers in this FST too, so she sat me after this song, she Them Thought it'd fit. Going Through the lyrics That makes me feel way too. ^ ^

Track 3: Spain

Fran Perea - One plus one is seven
Did not mention such stories about chances
No one told me That destiny Would this give me
Opportunity Are One plus one seven, who'd ever tell me That It Was That
so easy to be happy .....
CHknow Germain. Would I pick These dorky songs so easily.

As for why I Pick It ... it's hard to explain Because It's The Most subjective choice of them all. Germany likes to have fun, pero That They Also Have Them in traditional vibe (see: Bayern). And When Something Pleases / displeases to German Generally They tendon to stress it out a lot. That's why HAVING A Song That Is Constantly switching entre hyper and the "traditional" tune while carrying capability on Stressing the Same topic does fit "Germany" for me. : D

Track 7: Portugal

Xutos & Pontapés - A minha Casinha
How I miss

My happy little house
As modest as I
Oh, God, how great it is to live
In a modest first floor from the sky Counting

The song is just this. Nothing more, nothing less.
It's amazing how it pretty much sums up Portugal's thoughpattern in only 6 verses. Going back home, historical home and yet modest Because It's great Touching the sky, that's how Portugal Feels about Himself.

~ From here on the shipping starts ~

Track 8: Spain-> Portugal
Bustamante - Never Too Late [info] It's ny started in track 7 Portugal's feelings towards Spain are... Spain's a little pain, but he does have a crush on him. It is to my belief that they do it every now and then, too. The way Portugal feels about his relationship with Spain is something along the lines of this song. Something he shouldn't be doing and he hates himself for having those special feelings towards his brother lingering around.

Track 10: England->Portugal
Oasis - Stand By Me

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I`ve -
Got a lot of things to learn
Said I would and I believe in one day -
Before my heart starts to burn

So whatp; eacute; m

Tell me stories from
times I'd like to go back to
I long for
Those Moments That'll never find again Life
May only be 3 days
I want to always walk
slowly Until I get to you

Belongs to No one Anyone
Even When You Love Someone
This is Portugal's answer. "Times I'd like to go back to" would be the Age of Discoveries (what? Is it so Obvious?). It's saudade all over again. The other reason why this song is I Picked Because Of The Refrain. Even Though These Two Have Already Spent so much time together married or not, it's for you to decide
Portugal always Kept historical identitthe only track in English for Iberia. It isn't an Iberiacest track, either. I imagine both brothers grabbing the microphones and singing this song together to describe their lifes in some way.  Just imagine flowers = their former colonies and I think you'll get my point.
The moral of the story is that they have to rely on each other forever, though.\ufeff\ufeff\ufeff

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Metamuci And Culturelle Literature Workshop

For a month I attend the workshop of literature at the University. A young teacher of Cadiz us write poems. Well, usually we read a poem in English and then asks us to write our own, following the model.
Never before in my life had written a poem. I have no illusions about what I write now. Just trying to express in some way or another.
Here are my experiences of the workshop.

This is a poem

Being here is permissible so and be diferente_
break gritar_ Jump cuerdas_
and write phrases such as:
not want you anymore, I tightened my skin
you all are crazy except me. ..
This is a poem.
nan the world and you rush the soul.
Sometimes you wake up with a hole inside your table
and night is only dark glasses
those days are empty, we take hope,
not see anything in the world you're happy life.

Do yourself a prisoner of sadness or bitterness,
collect the colored glasses,
to enjoy what you see.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Cheats Shiny The typical artu thing post

What's wrong with my hand? Every time I try to draw Kiku I eat out horrible, _;

UNDER THE BRIDGE! I Admit I watched it for the OP, But It's glorious \u0026lt;3


Actually, I've been Wanting to do a picture like this Ever Since I re-listened to this song:

Song is very easy. It only goes:
noite eu quero CHT

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Success Of Syringobulbia Treatment


[info] Now for something slightly healthier : (% of physical activity within Europe)

:3 Note: Ports don't siesta.
And if we see this in METs:
(MET is a English unit for "metabolic equivalents". Aka, a MET is the amount of energy the body consumes when someone's just standing during a certain amount of time. E.g., a light physical activity is generally Considered to require about 4.5 METs and intense When It's> 4.5 METs.)
Is not Such a pretty number? , W;
The funny part is That Does not Really Suffer from Port Neither diabetes obesity Problems normal. And we do love to eat and are crazy for sweets. Hm, Mebbe it's the fish.
[info] Finally, let's talk about sexy stuff. I Was waiting for the teacher to upload the. Ppt presentation about contraceptive use and I finally did. However, I deleted the slides WHERE Could one compare the contraceptive use in Europe ... But, I knowz Where to look for Those Things:

Wow ... Liet and Pol ...

Cheap Two Face Action Figure

No asleep, take hot chocolate on Christmas Eve, and much more.

finally sent me two copies of the book that I translated. Now I teach it to everyone, hehe.

I started to visit the workshop of literature in the English cultural center in college. The teacher is from Cadiz and knows a lot of English poetry. See if you write a poem:)

Monday, March 22, 2010

How To Say Congratulations On An Aa Anniversary

A very special thank you to


mireyan [info] bubbole [info] and  fanfaluche [info] , who had the patience to put up with me. ;w;  The art that triggered this fic is by fanfaluche [info] .
Before you start reading this fic, I would like you to keep this tower in mind as it’s a crucial element in the so Cabo das Tormentas.” [info] [ “Thank you, dearest citizen. I promise you that in the event that you are victorious, your deeds will be rewarded, and remembered in generations to come. Now, go! May God be with you and help you defeat the terrible Cape of Torments.” ] With this he walked away.
This would be Vasco da Gama’s first voyage. Many explorers had already tried to find the route to India, but they had failed every time. “O Cabo das Tormentas”, in other words, the Cape of Torments was the name sailors had given to the most Southern edge of the African Continent. Rumours spoke about a monster dwelling in those waters, which would cause every ship to sink ... But, if truth or legend, fact Had Remained That no one ever managed to circumnavigate the cape and STI deny existence.
As I watched the ships Being Prepared, Portugal Wonderer if this Were the voyage That Would finally allow him to ESTABLISH the route to the Mythical land. India, the land of spices ... That Were spices even more valuable Than pure gold! If Successful, Would I own all the trading routes and I Would Have the monopoly over the spices market ... There Was Easier no sure way of Granting income. This Was His Greatest wish and All His Efforts Had Been Directed to it in the past FEW Decades, But It Had Been Attaining difficult. "Bem, seja as for, or Portuguese rule will be expanded ... Let sDeus ects or wanted. "

[" Well, come what may, the Portuguese Empire Will Be Expanded ... Let it all rest on God's wish. "

1497 , Toledo "Sir, sir! I bring news! It seems that the Portuguese have started again. Rumo to India. "

[" My Lord, my Lord! I bring you news! It looks like the Portuguese Are moving again. Towards India. "] Spain usual historical WAS sitting on desk, holding a quill in hand while skimming-through historical soms. Portugal

look up at him.
Honored cidadão. We all know that big as coisas não são sem large range possíveis sacrifíceos. Com isto não quero Dizer that you devaluation of esquece all equivalents that partiram convosco Marinheiros Expedição na sua. Oh, não. O bem popular ditado us, he says, "is worth mais um dois Pássaro Mao na to Voar" and decidimo nós dois-we venture hair. Não denied that Colha off rate, but also to reflect in ha ... not to lose pouce or not written. " [ & ldquo;Honourable citizen. We all know that great things aren’t possible to achieve with great losses.
I don’t mean by this that you should forget all the courageous sailors that have set sail together with you on your expedition. Oh, no. The saying does go “better a bird in the hand than two flying” and we ventured for those two. I don’t deny that we gained something out of it, but we also have to reflect on what we lost… and that wasn’t little.”

He paused.
“Contudo, cumprirei a minha promessa. Disse que vos daria glória e os seus actos seriam recompensados e não o planeio esquecer. Sempre fui um homem de minha paAlmost Finding it hard to believe it too real WAS. It Was as if Portugal Had forgiven him for all historical losses. "Obrigado, senhor." [
"Thank you, my Lord."
And This Was started how the Belém Tower Being Built.

1499, Toledo "Lord, they have succeeded."

"My Lord, They Were successful."
"already I know. There was something inside me which I was announcing it. " [
"I know. There Was Something Inside Me That Thought as much. "

Spain Stood next to the window, holding a glass of sangria. The blazing afternoon sun pierced the window and burned-through His skin. Yet He Did not move away. In FACT, I Did not when to turn historical events servant Brought the announcement. The reflection on the glass Gave the reddish color sangríaa Stronger If Its making it worthy name. "Lord ..." [ "My Lord ..."

"Thank you, and you can go." [ "XC

[ “He disappeared?!” ]

Portugal almost fell out of his chair upon receiving such news. Sebastian I, his king, had disappeared without a trace in the battle of Alcácer-Quibir. No one could confirm if he was still alive, or if he’d already passed away. Just one thing could be said for sure: Sebastian had vanished. “Mas como?! É impossível! Assim…” [
“But how?! It’s impossible! Then…”

Portugal’s situation couldn&rsTMLXC "D. Sebastião, wait-what-i. " [" Sebastian, I'll be waiting for you. "]

Looking out of the window, Those Were the only words Portugal Could Say at That Moment.
1580, Madrid

"Or is that Portugal is still without an heir?"

"Portugal is still Without an heir?"
Two years I Had Passed Since Sebastian's death. Now, to add to That, Also Had Henry perished Without an heir Thus Portugal's throne empty Leaving Once Again.Not Now, When Would I ever get Such a chance again?
"Romanita, I will make a visit to my brother. Then again. "

" Romano, I'm going to pay my brother to visit. I'll be back later "

Holding Romano's head Gently I kissed His forehead while smiling at him. "Be a good boy while, okay?"
[ "Be a good boy Until Then, ok?"
] Romano The last thing That Day saw of Spain WAS putting him on His coat and Letting His ax rest over it. & ldquop; hellip; one Would say just an end of an ordinary summer day ... If It Were not

Wounds for the WAS Carrying Portugal.

On That very day Lisbon Saami Had Been Invaded by English Troops Had and battle ensues. They Had Come From Both land and sea, and Even Though Portugal held the battle Taking Advantage of the place in His Own Territory, I Had not Been Prepared for it ... not under current historical Circumstances. Without a set king Were historical forces disorganized and confused. They Fought ... I Had Fought with them ... But They Had lost. Just More Deaths in vain.

"Ah, what a nice day like today!" [ "Oh, What fine day it is today!” ]

Spain’s clear voice echoed over the terrace. Portugal didn’t even turn back. That voice, that laughter, that way of talking… he could easily tell they belonged to his brother. He was far too familiarized with Spain to ever forget his mannerisms, even if the two of them had spent a great amount of time without seeing each other. They were brothers, after all.
Portugal could feel Spain drawing closer to where he was leaning. The metal boots he was wearing resounded stronger against the limestone pavement with every step he took. Spain was walking on his tower. The tower he had built to celebrate his victory against the forces of the sea that were far greater than those thatCould Any country represent.
"Really, how lucky you are to live here. Near the sea, at the mouth of the Tagus ... " [
" Really, you're so lucky to live here. Next to the sea, at the mouth of the Tagus ... "
Spain WAS Saami now leaning against the wall, next to him, His gaze Allowing Itself to lose in the horizon as I spoke These words, just resting There as if nothing Had Happened on That Day. Like an idyllic reencounter entre Some brothers after years. Portugal Could not find a way to gather historical words. Had I only seen His brother on the battlefield That Day, But Now That He Had Amonument of national pride, That he'd Been the tower using Both as a fortress and a store for Something as precious as the spices from India, Into a prison. No ... His mind That Went blank moment. Out of instinct, or wrath, I Grabbed the little dagger That Carrie and I always jump up for Spain. Before I Had a chance to attack, pero, two soldiers of the English army stopped him. Where They Come From Had Suddenly I Did not Know, and I did not care. His only wish WAS His brother That Disappeared From His sight That very moment.

"Damn! Nobody would say that I still had so hard inside you, Portugal! Well, well, take him please.Oh, and also cúrenle wounds. I do not want the guy go out there bleeding. "
[" Fuck! Who Would Have Guess That you'd Still Have it in you, Portugal? Ok, ok, please just take him away. Oh, and tendon to His Wounds too. That I do not want that guy going around, losing blood. "]

I tried to fight off the men as They dragged him away, But They Were His arms holding too tightly. The more I Fought, The Weaker

I felt ... "You will have the honor of releasing it, brother!" [ "You'll Have the Honour of Being the first, brother! "]

Those Were the last words Portugal Heard Before losing Consciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Portugal WAS Regaining Consciousness When I Heard the sound of water. It Was the murmur of the current, and the sound of waves clashing together. One after the Other.
Opening His Eyes, I found Himself on His back lying upon a bed, in a dimly lit room. Thanks to the lonely candelabrum Shed Some Light Into That the room I saw the room was all made out of limestone, and quite empty. Apart from the bed His eyes just managed to pick out a wine-red sofa, a fireplace and a door as the Other three elements composing the room. South
He Was.
"JAJAJAJA! Brother, by God! You have to be smarter at times! "
[" HAHAHAHA! Brother, for Christ's sake! One Has To Be smarter at times! "] Portugal look up at His brother with an incredulous expression.
"Look, Portugal but is it possible that you are not aware of things? Pope Gregory XIII, is an ally of the Habsburgs, stupid. "

[" Come on, Portugal ... is it possible That You Are not aware of how Currently Things are? The pope, Gregory XIII, is allied with tSTA! "
] Spain look down on His brother as I snarled at him, Squirming on the bed in Any Way I Could. Hatred burned in His Eyes, It Was His face plastered all over. The anger Had literally driven him insane. And with this Grabbed Spain Portugal's neck and pressed Firmly Against His mouth his.

Portugal It Was Something That Was not expecting. He halted for a moment, Trying to grasp What Was Going On. Spain WAS very close to him too, right Above him, kissing him. What the heck WAS going on now? His breathing got Heavier Until I just shut His eyes and started shaking His head Violently. But Spaithe whole situation much worse. Why I Suddenly Had kissed him? What Was That All About? Yes, sure, I Remembered screaming at him but ...


[ "Brother." ] events
I Refuse to budge.


[ "Brother!" ]
Portugal Looked at sideways just to see him looking intensely Spain Into His Eyes.

"Brother listen, please!"

[ "Brother, please listen to me!" ] you want? "]


His body let slide over brother's historical Placing Himself on the Same level.
"Brother, imagine what we would get if we were one." [ "Brother, What We Could Achieve imagine if we where one." ]

Those Were the

I muttered words Into Portugal's ear. Slowly and in a sweet tone of voice.

"Já disse you that jamais."

[ "I've Already Told You never." ]
Spain just sighed.

"I know you've always been a big head all your life. But, really ... "

" I Knew You Were always a stubborn one. But, honestly ... "] I Placed Himself in front of Portugal.
"... I am not going to deny that and we were one when we lived with our grandfather."

"... You're Not Going to Contradict me when I say That We Were Already one When We Lived with Our grandfather. "]
Both Were Touching Their Foreheads now. True, Portugal Such a thing Could not deny. When They Were ctone of red.
I kissed him. Again. Portugal
twitched a little But Then stopped. His brother Had Always Been a very good kisser. Natural talent, Perhaps, But Never Had Portugal managed to match him There. Every time Spain Had kissed him, It Was As If I Had the Ability to Instantly calm him down ... making him forget about everything. I Had not changed at all. When I stopped, I Gave little kisses to Portugal's lips, drawing out the contour of His mouth. Occasionally I Would historical touch with old older brother's lip His tongue, just to Quickly pull it back in again. "Already?" [

CHTMLX También yo te quiero conmigo…” [ “Brother… Just like the Tagus can’t have a source without a mouth… I also want you to be with me…”

As they sat in that hug, Portugal closed his eyes. What Spain saying was… right… in a way. Besides of being brothers they had originally been one… so…
He turned his head towards Spain and kissed him on the cheek. Spain smiled and hugged him tighter in response. His hands untied the ropes around his older brother’s arms leaving Portugal free again. “Ai, que adormeceram.&rHis brother's head and guided it back and forth when to His brother made the Movement, at Portugal's hair pulling and Shivering as a chain-reaction of feeling Warned of too much pleasure. Portugal Carried on regardless. I did not care if WAS Being His hair pulled it or not Because he'd found the soft spot. If Spain pulled His hair too much, I just bite it Would Slightly loosen him to make historical grip. All the while I Used His left hand to play with the testicles, making circles with His finger on Spain's leg. Spain WAS Progressively getting harder and harder ... ... and so I WAS. "P" Stop, stop ... "

" Stop, stop ... "
] Spain Went Back Some steps, just to get away from His brother's mouth, still holding it Despit Portugal with His right hand. I look around the room.
"Get up now."

"Get up." ] After letting go of it and getting onto His feet, Spain Placed His Hands on Portugal's shoulders and kissed him . He Was kissing him more passionately now, Almost eating him up. His brother made I walk backwards Portugal Until Something soft hit with the back of historical leg. Spain made him turn around and, putting His hand on Portugal's back, I made him bend over. Without a moment &
rsquo; s pause, Spain Grabbed His penis and Penetrated him. Portugal
Had Already seen it coming. I cried out as the Same time I twitched and historical grit teeth. It hurt, But I chose to bury His face in His arm Trying to forget the pain as Spain fucked him. Spain remove Violently WAS doing it, moaning Every time I heard. Portugal
historical clutched brother's arm more, and more tightly, But It Caused Spain only to fuck him harder, penetrating Deeper With Every push. There Was no use talking to him, let alone Trying to make him stop.
At the Same time, Portugal's penis rubbing WAS Against the sofa, His stomach Following the Movements ... too many sensations and mixing Themselves Were piling up inside of him.
"Qu & eacute; bueno… estás… Portugalín…” [
“You feel… so nice… Portugal…”

He thrust into him faster, and faster, sweat droplets falling onto Portugal’s back.
Every time he hit his prostate, Portugal would breathe out… and moan. His entire body was shivering. His wounds were hurting him all the more.
Spain held himself on the sofa trying to not lose his balance while he carried on fucking his brother. He didn’t give a damn about anything else, his whole mind was fixed on that sole act. He was trying to make the most of it, fucking him so much, and so hard unat. Spain Probably Had forgotten to lock it ... When He Had Entered
Judging from the number of Staircases Portugal Had to go down, it Looked Like They Had Been in the second floor of the tower, the King's room. With great effort " I managed to get to the main door That Would lead him outside. "Hey, you! What are you doing? " [
" Hey, you! What do you think you're doing? "

Two Came His Way English guards. They Were Armed and Prepared to fight. "Só vou ao Tejo ... ..." [ & amMLXC [
"Thank you."

The Guard Open the door and allowed Portugal to step outside. The Tagus WAS

Calmer Than usual. Its usual stream Vigorous WAS Hardly noticeable, and the waves Had Disappeared. It Was Almost as if It Were Inviting him in. Portugal

diveded Into it. Water WAS, for Portugal, in Some Ways Like His natural environment: a place, Where He Was Able to find historical Be at peace and rest. That historical moment only wish WAS To Be one with it so clean That the Tagus Could've Had Everything gone away Through That Day, and take it far away, out to the Atlantic. "Brother ... As the Tajo can notI have most? "

Spain WAS looking out of the window, down the river Towards. His brother bathing I have observed as the bright reflection of the moon shone down on him.
"Brother. If you think I'm your lover how you're wrong. " [" Brother. You're wrong if you think That I am anything like your beloved MOST. "]

---------- -------

- Portugal's actions based on how Are Both Nobility and the populat

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What Does Replithentic Mean

I do not understand me hear

and never will be what you expect of me
never going to meet me and boy and man I can be

not use me and apart from you and I saw someone
what nobody taught

not understand me I'm not here
And I just want to be real and feel the world as we always follow
and why I should change
no one else will try
and do not understand that I here

And you see what they would never see
you one hundred percent
know me and nor
I show no fear I am
if you come where I

I reach my best friend if you know
That evil and the good
I'm not what they see a world asleep

and I keep dreaming of what lies whispering words

never believe And I just want to be real and feel the world

like us, for them, for me why I

would change no one else will try

and I'm only here

Only I'm here I'm here

still here;


need dose of calm when I'm with them ... AAAAHHH as

irritate me

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chennai To Andaman Cruise With Food I'M BACK!!

I'm back!!

Now I have to get used to the keyboard, two months without typing make a difference .. x_x Apart from this slow down my pc .. I have to scan it xD

GOD! 1 mcuh things happened! NOT WHERE YOU START! The only thing I know is that ue tengoq whore ... And ARTO!

Let's see ... the first thing I wanted to do when I left the airport in India was ... Turn around and take the next flight to Chile .... GOD !!!!!!!!

1 - Towards the tremendous heat

2 - There were flies EVERYWHERE (that word exciste?)

3 - The people (crowd of black men with mustaches are not cared for) were watching me ... And when ... And I kept seeing me! FUCK! I forgot that I had noto wear something flashy and just what I was using was an adjustable top (elastic) of pink .... It was like "Look, I'm here"



people peeing in the street .. Yep, you read that right, men peeing in the street ..... I do not mean only the poor but everyone (men only). When I was in the van going to the house of my grandmother saw THREE ........ GOD! ONCE THERE UNTIL I SAW FIVE!! And that was returning from the temple x_x

7 - blood sucking flies, mutant ants, cockroaches supernatural .. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LXC 18 - There are many vegetarian restaurants =, = a little more and it would be a nun ... Since I spent going to the temples! I'm not complaining, because they are temples, but .... That was all "yay" that I did, even that was not so yay we say it ended up being vegetarian all day x_x

19 - WIFI NOT THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! At least here you can get one or two (and make sure they are insured xD) but then NO!

20 - If you do not dry the hair as they dry, you fuck.
If you comb your hair and comb them, you fuck.
If you will not "potu" on the front, fuck you.
If you will not flower in her hair, fuck you. If you notice houses
fuck .... okay, not that, but igualmand "This year, if you want to marry you or study, is obvious what I chose (Sorry, copyto, no matter how many want to have to have a boyfriend, this is not the way ... xD)

And that Sunday, when some of my family came, I read the Tarot with some aunts and my mother asked "how it will be the future husband of my daughter?" (even though what I wanted to know was: When verrdad my daughter will come out of the house (joke xD )?".. "When you married?" To know the time I have left ... xD) And I went to "the subject knew math and science (eh? ) and a good time to EERA CASARC (Sorry, I do not think so) "My Aunt Uma

(First my mother's sister)We had been told you have a friend who has a son who is co-captain of a ship .... If I had stayed for sure I had married ¬¬.................................... But I could not do that to uu CopyTo because if I get married, she marries xDDDDDDD tb (capture my sense of humor, nor beyond entiendeennn, the truth is that neither I try, because I know how .... my "sense of humor" jajajajaja)

okey .. what else?
I think that by now xD nomas

Now I just want to sleep, I told them travel sick? Now at least I was a little, just my head hurts ...


And I have to order my clothes, books and vacuuming up the most hidden corner in my room

-*- First morning in Chile

I was awakened by the heat of my room (that is something I do not miss), but even that achievement-entirely to wake me out of bed but it was the tremor I manage me out of bed.

My father passes on the phone saying "The first thing that greeted us when we arrived was the tremor"

upload some photos of my cousins, but in another topic that LJ only can see, it failsthat no psychopath has photos of my dear premiums although there were times I made fun of me ... u_u * * clears throat * Since they are my second xD yaaaaay

My Mafia is growing Hindu yaaaaaayy Although they are quite young, my cousin Monesh, who is 16, is in charge of outside work, if you want to remove someone sielnciosa a way, he is your subject. Monisha, 10, and his sister, is head of science and communication (computers and stuff, my informant). Gaji, 8, is responsible for collecting information from the underworld, but when people eliminate clutter it leaves the place destroyed. My Gunda

yaaaay!! L course descriptions

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monster Htps 7000 Complaints

XC know anything

não é that is knowledge um That day life Só é uma, não volta Quem back towards us assim
A life torn
Quem te me robou-led lawn me a soul but you know nothing não
There Are Days like these
When we end up alone Our soul, empty Our voice filled with sorrow We Wore out
By Our Hands holding Them too tightly
There Are no words left
This singing,
Dança e Voar,
Uo, uo
E.. Quero
see Luzes, Quero be Muitas
passar umor
Uo, uo, uo, ua,

peixes Quero see you dancing as Ideias
E Quero Voar
screaming for, até see
O fogo
E Tues paste type, fire,
I tied a light, light surround me
voltar E eu PRO MY place.
I want to sing tonight and fly Dance

wow, wow
And ... I want to see
Many lights
I Want to Be a Bird
wow wow wow wow

I want to see the fishes dancing shouting

And the ideas I want to fly, Until I see, is catching on
The fire
And like, burn
Until the light, the light surrounds me
And I go back to my place
They ran out inside Because We Kept Them very nice hair in the wind that gets tangled in my hands to heat You used to know the little things are what make it burn now trying to change
There is a song I did not sing to you yet
Verses to rhyme, poems
I Never Came up with

How did we end up like this
Our life, torn
The One Who Took you away from me stole my soul

But Does not Know A Thing About You

There Are Days like these
No need to fear words To hide

To love or to Hiding feelings

Suffer, They Do not exist

Pretending There Are Days lost
Between Here and There

There is a song I did not sing to you yet
Verses to rhyme, poems
I Never Came up with

How did we end up like this
Our life, torn
The One Who Took you away from me stole my soul

But Does not Know A Thing About You

If ever a day you'll learn when to eat
That There's just one life, and It Does not turn back

How did we end up like this
Our life, torn
The one who took you away from me stole my soul
But doesn't know
A thing about you

Such a Porty song. It even has the "it's such a pain to translate" part and all. ;w;
I'm quite fond of this song and I was surprised when the girl said she was dedicating this song to Portugal in the interview. Not
as such... more like, I understood why this song was
so him
Now who are you singing this to, Porty? Supein or Iggy? I can't quite make it up...


There is also

this version of the song. However, they're

NOT the original Portuguese lyrics Into Inglés. It's just an adaptation of the song Where the lyrics follow the "sing whatever fits in Inglés" theory.

Moving on to Spain's beautiful

paedo song about the little things


"Something Tiny"

(Something Very Small)

some tiny little thing
a white rose,
a touch, a sweet kiss and a miss n

Something tiny
something very small CH

heart Something tiny

the other things will be arranged

Something tiny Uo uo uo Something very small Uo uo uo Simple things give me
now I want you like crazy and always I'm gonna love you Something tiny
Uo uo uo
Something very small
Uo uo uo In your hands you the chance to decide you love me and do not break my heart did not break erme heart Something tiny
Uo uo uo
Something very small Uo uo uo Simple things give me now ask you to distraction if you do not want to end
Something tiny
Uo uo uo Something very small

Uo uo uo In your hands you have the opportunity today decide whether we want to break my heart Something very small, very little Something
A white rose, A caress, a sweet kiss Forgiveness and

Something very small, very little Something
, A sweet caress A look, a hug, a flower Something very small, very little Something
A simple & quot, I love you " full of sweetness, of fondness, of passion That's What I ask from you, my love
My life's crumbling
You break my heart
Make sure to change, promptly
Time's really ending this time

Something very small, uo uo uo

Something very little, uo uo uo

Simple Things You Will not Give That to me Nowadays I crazily
ask for if you don't want to break up

Something very small,
uo uo uo
Something very little,
uo uo uo
You hold the Opportunity in your hands
It's today That You decide if you want me or want to break my heart

Something very small,
Something very beautiful
A hair floating in the wind that entangles itself between my hands with the heat
You were able to understand
That the little things are what makes this burn
Now, just make sure to change
Everything else will then be dealt with

Something very small,
uo uo uo
Something very little,
uo uo uo
Simple things you now give me
I'm madly in love with you and I'll always love you

Something very small,
uo uo uo
Something very little,
uo uo uo
You hold the opportunity in your hands
You have decided to love me and to not break my heart
To not break my heart

Something very small,
uo uo uo
Something very little,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Remington 870 Modular Combat Shotgun For Sale Hai! It's the Latinos' turn now:>

[info] candesceres  gave me a meme

Fandom: Hetalia
01. The first character I fell in love with: Furrybrows
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: STUPID SEXY SPAIN
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Probably Russia... and I'm pretty meh about Alfred as well now
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Liechtenstein? D:
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: This one is hard... characters have being going up and down my list but maybe Canada?
06. The character I Would shag anytime: ...... ........... Port. Ok, You Do not Exist ... SPAIN BUT IF I SAY I FEEL LIKE I'M MY OWN RACE Betraying .* SO HARD
BAWS * 07. The character I'd want to Be Like: Iggy!
08. The character I'd slap: The USA. Many, many times.
09. A pairing That I love: Iberia. They're my # 1 OTP
atm 10. A pairing That I Hate: Russia / Lithuania, Russia / Latvia. They're really horrible SM pairings.
11. Favorite character: Port * sigh * Oyabun.
12. My five favorite characters: England, Japan, Feliciano, Romano, Ludwig: 3
ing on.
I'm fixing it. Ok, FINALLY read the whole thing!!

Fandom: DGM
01. The first character I fell in love with:

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Hm... maybe Bak?
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Allen... and Kanda <.<
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Do people hate Tyki? D:
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Lenalee
06. The character I would shag anytime: Tyki. Hands down.
07. The charg That I love: 10069
10. A pairing That I Hate:
6927 Reborn / Lambo
11. Favorite character: Marshmallow Man, aka, Byakuran.
12. My five favorite characters: Tsuna, Shoichi, Mukuro, Gamma, Spanner
13. My five least favorite characters: Reborn,
Yamamoto, Hibari, Dino, Xanxus, Glo Xinia 14. Which character I am MOST like:
Sometimes I'm pretty much like Tsuna. The damedame side of him tl, dr 15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I started shipping
10069 events Knowing Before They interactive. I felt as if I Understood the "crack pairings" people better.

And it looks like the terrible earthquake Chileans were waiting for finally struck today. Dammit, 8,8 in the Richter scale is immense! 



\ufeff The ABC powers.
That's how these three are called, apparently . ^^ This started off as a single Chile doodle and then suddenly Brasil popped up and then Argentina. So I shoved them all together into a single picture and had fun with Photoshop afterwards.
And then it's just doodles from now on. These are nothing but tries to get more familiarized with the Latinos as well as perspective studies.

(yes, I was feeling bad for drawing Manu all the time)
On takamin, all by myself, when I was ronery:

(No, actually Steaky drew the Roma curl in this one XD)
I really want to draw the Latinos more often from now on. They're all so cute >w<

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Myeloma India Singapore [Ficlet] SpaPort - Something little

t was late in the afternoon, almost nighttime. Both were together once again, after so long. In the bedroom Spain was there, again, caressing his hair, looking at him with those green eyes. Eyes that were almost the same green as his dearest England’s. But Spain wasn’t England, Portugal knew that. At least, he thought that he could be sure of that. So why he was stuck in a bedroom with Spain topping him was beyond him.
Portugal had never been a man of rash decisions and yet, this time, in a blink of a moment Spain managed to get his way with him. And now there he was, lying on a bed, looking at Spain face to face, feeling his breathing on him. Spain kissed him on the front, on the cheek and even on the tip of the nose. Against head is Portugal's chest.
"Remember? Since when were leaving and when I put something was wrong? "
[" Do you remember? When you allowed me to rest like this When Something Went Wrong? "] Yes, of course Portugal Remembered. Spain Was Young When he'd Always Been a bit of a scaredy-cat and Above all, very nervous. Portugal Would Then put His Hand on Spain's head and let him rest on His chest. Spain Once Said That Would hearing His breathing calm him down. He'd know I wasn't alone at Those Times.
"Agora é join himTaking as historical time, slowly getting to the point. His hand now roaming haphazardly over Portugal's body Eventually got to touch His genitals. There I stopped. He Touched again, now Tighter, grabbing it.

Then I stopped.

"Portugalín, tell me one thing ..."
"Portugal, Tell Me Something ..."

"Or foi?"
[ " What is it? "]
Spain pulled on Portugal's underwear Leaving bare historical member.

[ "This!" ]

"Sim ..."
"Yes ...?"
] Portugal Spain Look to What WAS pointing at. Then I look back at Spain. "But you were you honestly expect eu à pusesse me hard? You? "

" But honestly expecting Were You That I'd get a boner? With you? "
] There Was a pause. And Then tears started to come forth Spain's eyes.
"BUHYOO! But if it's tiny! & Iexcl; So tiny, almost like my Romanita! Oh, brother, how good you are ... do you think all

always! I love you I love you, love you

! " [" Buhyoo! It's small! So small, Almost Like Romano's my sweet one! Oh brother, how nice of you ... You always take Into account Everything! I love you, I love you, I love you

! "

By around this time Spain Portugal WAS hugging and cuddling him terribly with all His strength. "But you're bom da cabeça?!"
[CHTM flaccid. Not only didn’t his plan work, but he’d been tagged in Spain’s brain as someone who cannot pull a boner. Portugal felt as if his pride had been hurt. In both ways. And it irked him terribly.
Without reflecting on what he was doing, he just grabbed it and started masturbating. No way he’d lose to Spain. And surely not when it came down to something like sex. He was even the one with the bigger penis, so he held the advantage.
He carried on until he was almost coming. It couldn’t get any bigger than this.

“Agora já não há nada que possa correr mal…” [ “Now nothing can go wrong anymore&helTMLXC

Friday, February 19, 2010

Kates Playground Full Sets Free APH - Animation Storyboards 3 (Some pics)


And now, for some random pages ~

# 27

# 28

# 31

# 32

# 33







If someone wants to see the sketches for specific scene from eps 27-39, I don't mind taking a photo of it ^^