Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chennai To Andaman Cruise With Food I'M BACK!!

I'm back!!

Now I have to get used to the keyboard, two months without typing make a difference .. x_x Apart from this slow down my pc .. I have to scan it xD

GOD! 1 mcuh things happened! NOT WHERE YOU START! The only thing I know is that ue tengoq whore ... And ARTO!

Let's see ... the first thing I wanted to do when I left the airport in India was ... Turn around and take the next flight to Chile .... GOD !!!!!!!!

1 - Towards the tremendous heat

2 - There were flies EVERYWHERE (that word exciste?)

3 - The people (crowd of black men with mustaches are not cared for) were watching me ... And when ... And I kept seeing me! FUCK! I forgot that I had noto wear something flashy and just what I was using was an adjustable top (elastic) of pink .... It was like "Look, I'm here"



people peeing in the street .. Yep, you read that right, men peeing in the street ..... I do not mean only the poor but everyone (men only). When I was in the van going to the house of my grandmother saw THREE ........ GOD! ONCE THERE UNTIL I SAW FIVE!! And that was returning from the temple x_x

7 - blood sucking flies, mutant ants, cockroaches supernatural .. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LXC 18 - There are many vegetarian restaurants =, = a little more and it would be a nun ... Since I spent going to the temples! I'm not complaining, because they are temples, but .... That was all "yay" that I did, even that was not so yay we say it ended up being vegetarian all day x_x

19 - WIFI NOT THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! At least here you can get one or two (and make sure they are insured xD) but then NO!

20 - If you do not dry the hair as they dry, you fuck.
If you comb your hair and comb them, you fuck.
If you will not "potu" on the front, fuck you.
If you will not flower in her hair, fuck you. If you notice houses
fuck .... okay, not that, but igualmand "This year, if you want to marry you or study, is obvious what I chose (Sorry, copyto, no matter how many want to have to have a boyfriend, this is not the way ... xD)

And that Sunday, when some of my family came, I read the Tarot with some aunts and my mother asked "how it will be the future husband of my daughter?" (even though what I wanted to know was: When verrdad my daughter will come out of the house (joke xD )?".. "When you married?" To know the time I have left ... xD) And I went to "the subject knew math and science (eh? ) and a good time to EERA CASARC (Sorry, I do not think so) "My Aunt Uma

(First my mother's sister)We had been told you have a friend who has a son who is co-captain of a ship .... If I had stayed for sure I had married ¬¬.................................... But I could not do that to uu CopyTo because if I get married, she marries xDDDDDDD tb (capture my sense of humor, nor beyond entiendeennn, the truth is that neither I try, because I know how .... my "sense of humor" jajajajaja)

okey .. what else?
I think that by now xD nomas

Now I just want to sleep, I told them travel sick? Now at least I was a little, just my head hurts ...


And I have to order my clothes, books and vacuuming up the most hidden corner in my room

-*- First morning in Chile

I was awakened by the heat of my room (that is something I do not miss), but even that achievement-entirely to wake me out of bed but it was the tremor I manage me out of bed.

My father passes on the phone saying "The first thing that greeted us when we arrived was the tremor"

upload some photos of my cousins, but in another topic that LJ only can see, it failsthat no psychopath has photos of my dear premiums although there were times I made fun of me ... u_u * * clears throat * Since they are my second xD yaaaaay

My Mafia is growing Hindu yaaaaaayy Although they are quite young, my cousin Monesh, who is 16, is in charge of outside work, if you want to remove someone sielnciosa a way, he is your subject. Monisha, 10, and his sister, is head of science and communication (computers and stuff, my informant). Gaji, 8, is responsible for collecting information from the underworld, but when people eliminate clutter it leaves the place destroyed. My Gunda

yaaaay!! L course descriptions


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