Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gurnish For Kebab Plate

To : [info] reto_diario [81/81]
Title: What is not said.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Claim
: Tsuna / Gokudera / Tsuna (or something).
Words: 664.
Warnings: Spoilers for Future Arc.
Notes: Cursed be the hour.

Tsuna stared in amazement, how a dense cloud of smoke scattered clothes in his room. And from that garish color, appeared the tall figure of somealso left a feeling of despair. The Italian will have well grasped, as if ... (he squeezed the throat) out of fear that at any moment.

"Sorry, sorry," he whispered with his nose buried in her chestnut hair. Tsuna wanted better believe I was imagining the tremor in the body and voice of the older, something told him he was going to regret it if you dig deeper into that.

-N-Nothing - had no final words to describe how nervous I was. He felt his heart puntor to escape there. Teníaa not understand what your guardian and I did not want to know.

"It was my fault, I do not ..." was not allowed to finish, taking care to maintain contact with the warm little body against him. A shiver ran through her short arms when a match ended up hugging, and brown head over to his chest.

"Okay, Gokudera-kun, okay," muttered the boy against him, a muffled sounds future Head fists were subject to his jacket. He inhaled deeply, opened his mouth to speak and ...


Another cloud filled the bedroom.

Tsuna was stunned, his fists closed around the air. Watched as his mind stuck quinceañera counterpart was inches from him. One that was so full of life ...

- DDécimo! What happened? The bazooka again, that cow, I -! ;

But if their guardian was right. He ... was always going to be next to his family, always taking care of their guardians. Your friends.




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