Title: That's better.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Claim
: Fran / Squalo.
Extension: 402 words.
Warnings: Yaoi, located in TYL.
Notes: Uff, I was forgetting to give love to the Varia! OTP.
The morning sunlight hit him directly in the face. He frowned trying to stay in the dream, and stepon the sheets, not wanting to get up and start an ordinary day in the barracks. One
normal, surely, which could move more freely if their thighs were not in prison by an external force and it would not be half dressed because the total alien presence was upon him. In his bed.
One that did not take more than three seconds to recognize your brain just woke up.
- FRAN! "The illusionist greeted him just inside his personal space without changing his expression securcute n monotonous. He was in the same conditions of shortages of clothing that he, the site beside the swordsman still kept warm.
not bother him (in full) the boy's presence. Just ... could not find another way to wake him?
"Good morning to you too, Captain Bastard.
A vein pulsed wildly in the temple of the elderly. Free hand went to Fran went with every intention of releasing it and get rid of him, one that deviatesSqualo s strong arms around her waist decided on it, surrounding it tightly so he could not escape. He felt a hand slip between her hair, sometimes being pulled, and he responded by biting more
That came from his head. Specifically on his forehead and he did not.
thunderstruck, watched Fran was separated from him, unhooking the grip easily. Was raised his right fist triumphantly and he held a strand of silver hair, inLeft holding the scissors. The magician's smirk was totally intentional.
"You see, Captain, it looks better without the bangs.
Superbia Squalo If the captain did not torture and perhaps kill the magician Fran, it was because the frog was pretty good at escaping ~ ~ triumphantly.
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